NURS FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Attempt 2 Applying Ethical Principles

NURS FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Attempt 2 Applying Ethical Principles


Even though most parents in the United States favor vaccines, you will encounter parents who aren’t. The refusal to follow the recommended vaccine schedule or dispute your strong suggestion does not necessarily mean that a parent will not accept immunizations if they have doubts or reservations. Occasionally, parents want to know what you have to say. Trust in your recommendation will grow if you are willing to listen to their problems.

As you listen to parents’ inquiries, please make an effort to comprehend their concerns before answering with the information they may not have asked for. It’s best to acknowledge the parent’s concerns and offer what you know if you receive inquiries or information from sources, you aren’t familiar with. Let them know that you’d be happy to evaluate their gathered information and set up a follow-up meeting if necessary. The effective approaches include (1) leadership- the doctors should be able to work in a healthy environment. They should be able to guide the patients and nurses properly (Audrey et al., 2020). (2) The doctors should know that they will not always succeed so they should be humble and communicate properly. (3) Doctors should be accountable. They should set an example for others to follow. (4) The routines followed by the healthcare community should be flexible and up-to-par. (5) The doctors should appreciate their teams. (6) Timelines should be set for achieving any goals (Zhang et al., 2021). If evidence is less for any problem, as a result, ethical rules must be followed for making any decision. The rules revolve around, being cautious, and professional, considering the choices of the patients, thinking about circumstances, and thinking medically. These factors will not let the doctors make any rash decisions. As an alternative, data with less evidence can be presented as a solution but it should be followed blindly (Audrey et al., 2020). 

The professional medical ethics model of decision-making aims to increase the quality of decisions when there is little or no evidence by reducing the unacceptable variation that might arise from patients’ and doctors’ inattentive decision-making.  The doctor should consider all the factors before deciding anything. The pros and cons should be weighed properly. 

Ethical Principles Solutions

Safeguarding privacy is a necessity for the sake of patient  (Rainer et al., 2018). Vaccination has sparked many ethical issues from all stakeholders, including politicians. People are becoming more concerned about immunization methods that don’t adhere to the proper clinical protocols. Due to the lack of access to various research on vaccination use, vaccine communication is essential. The majority of the world’s population is well-versed about vaccination’s effects. Vaccination raises a slew of ethical quandaries, particularly in countries that require children to be immunized before attending school.

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