NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 1 Attempt 1 Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video Interdisciplinary Collaboration Strategies

NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 1 Attempt 1 Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video Interdisciplinary Collaboration Strategies


One of the most effectively recognized strategies in producing solutions in the healthcare field is by applying the PDSA model, which stands for Plan, Do, Study, Act. In the above situation, it was applied as follows. The plan was discussed in the presence of the hospital chief of surgery, as well as all members of the surgery room team for that patient. A timeline of events was then created, and the issues were highlighted. The entire team agreed that due to the brief light flickering, the surgeon’s focus had been monetarily lost, which is why he made the mistake. The action decided upon by the team was the changing of the lights as they often flickered in the surgery room, and this caused confusion in many instances. The surgeon could not see what he was doing at that brief moment and was prone to making mistakes. This could also cause a delay in handing over surgical instruments due to the darkness caused by faulty lights. All of this meant that patient safety was compromised. Therefore, a decision to replace the lights was undertaken. 

After the lights were changed, surgeries were monitored to check if there was a decrease in the number of surgical errors caused. We learned that surgical errors such as the one caused above did decrease and the surgical room team was able to conduct surgeries effectively without such mistakes disrupting the procedure. After the plan was studied and errors were monitored, the team also decided that additional lights should be placed in the surgery room in case of any further disruption, so that the room could still have adequate lighting. Backup lights were then placed and the number of technicians in the surgery room was also increased to assist with any lighting issues so that they could be fixed on the spot. Moreover, constant monitoring of the lights, as well as all surgical machines, was agreed upon to reduce any errors that could be caused.

Other general interdisciplinary strategies which can be easily applied consist of prioritizing patient safety, communication, further training, and constant development of each professional, having a supportive environment, giving value to each team member’s viewpoint, and so on. If these methods are implemented, interdisciplinary collaboration in a team will occur in a higher quality of healthcare, guaranteed patient safety, lower mortality rates, and a decrease in medical and surgical errors (Walton et al., 2019).

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Ansa, B. E., Zechariah, S., Gates, A. M., Johnson, S. W., Heboyan, V., & De Leo, G. (2020, September). Attitudes and behavior towards interprofessional collaboration among

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            p. 323). MDPI.

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