NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 1 Collaboration and Leadership leading people processes and organizations in interprofessional practice

NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 1 Collaboration and Leadership leading people processes and organizations in interprofessional practice




Hi Everyone, I am Susie Taylor and i’m gonna tell you about my collaboration and leadership reflection. Today, I am going to explain and discuss a significant topic of “Interdisciplinary collaboration” which holds utmost importance in the practical nursing field. Let’s start by first having an overview of interdisciplinary collaboration and what’s required for it.

Reflection and Evaluation of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Healthcare Setting

The healthcare setting contains a complex set of events that can only be solved and simplified with collaboration among all the practitioners and workers. There are numerous events happening simultaneously at a hospital that need dire attention and input from all medical staff (doctors, practitioners, paramedical staff, or nurses). Interdisciplinary collaboration is a form of effective communication in which all the healthcare staff or workers work together along with the patient for the best outcomes desired at a particular time (Ma et al., 2018).

Capella 4010 Assessment 1

Healthcare setting needs intense and strong teamwork among its all components. Interdisciplinary collaboration is not only beneficial for the patient but also improves the work efficiency of the healthcare providers by reducing their workload, increasing production overall, effective time management, and patient satisfaction (Peltonen et al., 2019). Like a sports team healthcare settings also require teamwork which is only possible through interdisciplinary collaboration.

Every member or healthcare provider identifies a unique role in making treatment successful. Individual efforts are appreciated in it but the greater focus is on teamwork. Each member of the team develops his skills over time to develop confidence and trust which helps them to work with their patients more collaboratively.

Besides the positive outcomes, there are many challenges or problems which appear often. These challenges require commitment and determination to be successful as a team. Some examples of challenges are staff shortages and complex and critical patients. Interdisciplinary collaboration rules out any sort of difference e.g. color creed, race, or nationality. It ensures that humanity remains in the utmost spirit while working in a single unit.

leadership reflection video

Different strategies of interdisciplinary collaboration apply to different sets of events. At a particular moment or in a critical condition, all the healthcare providers need to decide unitedly with which strategy they want to proceed with the patient. The best applicable strategy to that particular scenario and team is chosen.

For interdisciplinary collaboration, there are tons of existing competency frameworks, that are widely accepted and adapted as a collection of individual competencies that explain the knowledge, skills, and characteristics of healthcare professionals (HCPs). Different healthcare organizations have fixed several interdisciplinary collaboration frameworks as a practicing standard and knowledge support for healthcare workers. These frameworks are also been used as performance indicators based on which HCPs collaborate and practice (McLaney et al., 2022).

Background and Scenario

On one fine morning, there were shouts and a crowd of people running toward the delivery room. The patient was a pregnant lady who was 45 years old and had a history of stillbirths. She was a patient of an expert gynecologist, who did not have her duty in the morning. The patient was rushed to the delivery room where the other gynecologists, a professional midwife, a nurse, an anesthetist, and an obstetrician. I was working as a nurse for that patient in the delivery room.

My work responsibility was to monitor the patient’s state continuously and help the gynecologist. The lady was having pre-term labor. When her file was examined critically it was noticed that she had a history of gestation diabetes, anemia, and breach birth positions. Baby this time was in a cephalic position but the problem that emerged was, should the doctors go for normal delivery or a C-section? the gynecologist got confused because she was new in that hospital and was a new practitioner.

The woman was insisting on a normal delivery because she was afraid of the pain and loss of her previous babies because of C-sections. The healthcare provider for confused because she was not in a position to give birth normally. the first challenge was to make her understand that she would be alright after a C-section. The risk that existed for the normal delivery was that the patient was anemic and suffering from hypertension, so her post-condition would be unpredictable.<

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