NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 1 Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video

NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 1 Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video


Reflection on Interdisciplinary Collaborative experience

I will be reflecting on my interdisciplinary collaboration experience in the Vila Health Site where I was involved in the implementation of a new EHR system. This EHR system implementation consisted of several professionals of registered nurses, IT staff, administrators, physicians, and the director of operations. Before the implementation of this new EHR system, all of these important stakeholders and professionals had meetings on identifying the needs of each stakeholder and what would be the most appropriate system for this healthcare site. This was a successful experience where there was effective collaboration and input from all the professionals making them feel heard and highlighting their needs. According to the needs of the stakeholders, an appropriate system was set up.

However, this project was also unsuccessful in reaching the desired outcomes as there was a lack of coordination that took way too long for the system to be completely functional. There was poor collaboration when it came to the implementation of the system. There was a lack of understanding of the tasks assigned to each member, and most of the nurses had difficulty using the new technology resulting in its poor usability. Henceforth, the effective practices can be adopted in future to improve the collaboration among different health providers to ensure the improved health service provision for the patients.

Reflective Nursing Practice

Reflective nursing practice is very important in examining previous experiences by practicing a root cause analysis to understand the problem so it can be connected with new learnings. This is a cognitive skill that every professional should have to learn from experiences and incorporate those learnings in the future to improve the patient’s healthcare outcomes (Patel & Metersky, 2021). This enhances the knowledge development of the nurses so the same problems can be avoided.

Results of Poor Collaboration in Management of Human and Financial Resources

From my personal experience, it is pretty much clear now that poor collaboration can result in a lot of inefficiencies that may become a barrier to providing improved healthcare service. Poor collaboration means poor communication which causes a lot of misunderstanding and delay during change management. Collaboration in several kinds of literature has been identified as the capability to work cooperatively with other professionals, build teamwork by sharing responsibilities, embrace complementary roles, and enhance decision-making to carry out the plans (Busari et al., 2017). In my scenario, poor collaboration mostly confused the task assigned, and poor teamwork resulted in the inefficiency of the time for the system to be functional. As poor collaboration tend to prevent the collective awareness of knowledge and skills from all the professionals managing human expertise and resources to effectively implement (Busari et al., 2017).

Poor collaboration reduces the improvements within the organization creating an unhealthy workspace for the individuals and decreasing the satisfaction of the healthcare providers (Gilles et al., 2020). It is likely for the poor collaboration to lead towards poor financial management. This is because healthcare providers may not be able to collaborate with the finance managers for the development of the budget (Wishnia & Goudge, 2021). The financial resources would also be wasted with poor coordination as the implementation would become more time-consuming time and skills making it more costly.

Best-Practice Leadership Strategies

Nursing leaders are important for providing quality care and building a resilient workforce that tends to improve patient outcomes (Wei et al., 2019). The most effective leadership style would be the transformational style which promotes effective communication, improves morale, and increases productivity. They tend to inspire the workforce and provide motivation to enhance their performance by working in the organizational interests (Specchia et al., 2021). Such a leadership style is effective for change, especially in the scenario of new technology like EHR being implemented.

Another leadership style that leaders can promote is being authentic. This strategy tends to make the approach of leadership more authentic and honest with a direct approach (Specchia et al., 2021). The strategy will help in creating requisite awareness among patients and improve the interprofessional communication between health professionals. Such leaders follow transparent, ethical, and non-authoritarian behavior patterns promoting an open share of information (Specchia et al., 2021). These strategies can enhance collaboration and communication amongst the wo

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