NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Attempt 1 Stakeholder Presentation Organizational & Patient Issues

NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Attempt 1 Stakeholder Presentation Organizational & Patient Issues


An organization becomes an organization because of the people involved in the process. A lot of hard work and planning leads to taking any organization to reach its desired heights. Nurses and other health care professionals are the main assets of the organization so taking care of them will bring them a lot of positive outcomes. There are many issues faced by both the organization and its workforce. The problems include the fight over power which most commonly happens in hospitals where Doctors try to maintain their authority whereas what needs to be done is to allow a healthy relationship between both parties. When conflicts keep happening between the Nurses, the departments, and other health care professionals they do have an impact on the overall productivity and performance of the hospital leading to lacking the treatment done to patients too. Not entertaining the opinions of the other professionals and ultimately making it a more suffocated place to work in. 

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Strategies for managing Human and Financial resources 

Being aware of the fact that the Human Resources involved in managing the workload is a key factor in making any organization stand out in terms of position and reputation in the Health Care Industry. It is observed in many cases that the majority of the time a suggestion given by Human Resources has often led to an improved system in the workplace as they are often dealing on humanitarian grounds. This means the workforce directly dealing with people has a broader idea about the fact that is happening whereas the team members and other departments are often loaded with the department work that some things are missed by them. 

The HRM is divided into two categories soft HRM and Hard HRM. Soft HRM is employee-focused where importance is given to them, their opinions count, they focus more on ways of motivation among the workers and also try to make sure they communicate well among the individuals. Whereas Hard HRM is organization focused which means everything is related to what the organization feels is right for their convenience. No way is considered perfect when things come down to handling the human resources to promote organizational health but if the aim is to just think about the organization only then Hard HRM tends to give more benefits. But it can be clearly stated that until and unless the workforce is not comfortable with their working conditions organization can never achieve a healthier work environment. 

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