NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 1 Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation

NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 1 Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation


Empowering education is a crucial step and with the appropriate model, it can enhance the effectiveness of the training being provided. Such models should be composed of practical and self-directed learning. Training like these can help improve the quality of care by achieving participation in the design and implementation, problem-solving approach, research skills, clinical performance monitoring, and motivational factors (Chaghari et al., 2017). This session will help the nurses learn the importance of a multidisciplinary team and how to follow the safety improvement plan and other protocols to ensure patient safety. The importance of leadership roles and handling or maintenance of different smarter tools would be better understood. 

Need & Process to Improve Safety Outcomes

Most of the medication errors reported are related to wrong doses and they not only lead to life-threatening situations but they prolong the stay of the patient at the hospital which increases the cost (Zaree et al., 2018). The medication errors that are caused accidentally could lead to distress among the nurses too as they feel guilty about the consequences. This shows the need to improve safety outcomes so that patient safety is significant and the nurses stay satisfied and confident too. Some of the common mistakes that occur with infusion pumps are the mishandling of devices, indirect patient tasks related to the infusion pump, manual programming, improper communication, and managing tangled tubes (Bacon et al., 2020). The most common form of error with the infusion pump is the incorrect rate.

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The process to mitigate such errors and improve patient safety is forming a multidisciplinary team for a proper flow of communication and coordination. This team would also assign leadership roles that would lead to the indirect tasks related to the pump being divided so the nurses don’t neglect any sort of medication dose. Training and workshops should be provided to the nurses so they are more aware of handling. The intervention of smarter infusion pumps could lower the errors at a greater rate as there will be automated programming. They also have alerts that make the nurses aware of dispensing errors (Melton et al., 2019). The implementation of proper standardized workflow with protocols could improve safety outcomes. 

Audience’s Role in & Importance of Making the Improvement Plan

Nurses has a crucial role in providing the best patient services as they work closely with them. The audience should be able to improve their knowledge and make use of the most credible evidence to implement evidence-based care so the errors can be mitigated. The participation of the audience can lead to a proper implementation which would allow the formation of a multidisciplinary team. Nurses also have to provide awareness or education to their patients so they can be involved in decision-making, this promotes total transparency from both sides avoiding any adverse event (Hawai’i/Pacific University, 2022).

This improvement plan will provide support to the nurses which will reduce the burden and allow them to work to their full potential. This plan will promote transparency and lead to education or training of the staff making them better at handling tools which would increase the efficiency of tools and reduce time and cost because medication errors will be avoided. 

Resources or Activities to Understand Safety Improvement Initiative

Resources should be utilized efficiently to make them efficient and save costs. More educated and experienced staff should be hired for even better multidisciplinary teams so the burden is reduced. Smart infusion pumps should be replaced with the old manual ones. Workshops should be kept to provide education to the existing staff.

The organization must have a positive and supportive environment so there is accountability for the actions. There need to be no cases of a medication error that go reported so all the cases can be analyzed. Effective reporting methods should be adopted (Mutair et al., 2021)Budget needs to be set for the new technology of infusion pumps. 

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The in-service session will allow the nurses to be educated on the safety improvement plan that is crucial in mitigating the errors. The most common infusion pump error is with the rate. If there is a proper multidisciplinary team, effective communication, the intervention of sm

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