NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 2 Attempt 1 Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan Existing Organizational Resources

NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 2 Attempt 1 Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan Existing Organizational Resources


First, nurses should be trained to report the events immediately so the appropriate action can be taken timely. Strong communication channels to be projected as a tool in healthcare organizations. Unlawful use of drugs to be prohibited in the hospital during medicine administration procedures. A proper plan to assess the organizational resources of healthcare staff, nurses, and physicians in case of any sentinel event. Implementation of Medication Error Reporting System (MEDMARX) effectively in case of any medication error or sentinel event. MEDMARX is adopted in the U.S. for immediate error reporting. MEDMARX is an error reporting system that can be used through the internet as it is a cloud-based server (Anderson & Abrahamson., 2017). 

    Use of available resources in case of a sentinel event will save from further damage. It includes the application of care management, devices, surgical procedures to save patients, and evaluation of the cause of the event using available resources in the hospital at moment. Identify the trends in systematic procedures. Apply strategies addressed to drop the medication error rate and increase patient safety practices. IT-based resources that include the use of electronic media records, bar code information, and decision support systems are considered a good immediate source to respond to medication errors. Investing in these technologies is found to be very effective in promoting patient safety (Anderson & Abrahamson., 2017).


Medication errors are very common in healthcare settings and are a big concern globally. Root cause analysis is used by many researchers to find out the cause of sentinel events that happened in the hospital settings and implement a corrective action plan to overcome the loss. RCA allows healthcare hospitals to focus on patients’ health requirements and set the goals that meet the patient’s needs. From RCA analysis, hospital management will be sure about the steps to be taken to prevent any further mishappening due to causative factors and take measures so the reoccurrence of sentinel events can be prevented. 


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NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 2 Attempt 1 Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan

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