NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 4 Attempt 1 Improvement Plan Tool Kit

NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 4 Attempt 1 Improvement Plan Tool Kit


This paper will be proposing an improvement plan tool kit to enhance the quality and safety of the care being provided to the patients. This is crucial to the nurses as they play a vital role in working closely with the patients. Adhering to this plan would mitigate the medication errors that pose harm to the patients and distress to the nurses. Consisting of 12 credible resources this plan will support the analysis of the elements of a successful improvement initiative and factors that lead to safety risks. It would then go on to determine organizational interventions and nurses’ role in enhancing patient safety. This plan is focusing on the incident of a young cancer patient Sam who was given the wrong rate of infusion pumps; thus, this plan will be talking about the initiative to mitigate the medication errors specific to wrong drugs or doses being given to the patient. 

Elements of Successful Quality Improvement Initiative

Taylor, M., & Jones, R. (2019). Risk of medication errors with infusion pumps. Patient Safety, 61–69.

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This article emphasizes the significance of medication errors that result from infusion pumps. There has been a reporting of 1,004 medication error cases with infusion pumps in the state of Pennsylvania in 2018. These cases occurred in 132 different hospitals. Such errors in hospitals cause high-alert as they demonstrate the poor quality of care being provided to the patients, making them lose trust. This article describes that most of the errors with infusion pumps result from malfunctioning devices, poor maintenance of devices, incorrect order or transcription of medication, insufficient information among the nurses, and patient behavior. This article is excellent for all roles of nurses to go through to recognize the nature of this device. For example, in a case where a nurse was unaware that the device they have been using could be malfunctioning, several cases of errors would occur without the nurse even realizing, the awareness of such cases through these papers would allow the nurses to recognize the problems and allow them to maintain such devices more carefully. 

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