NURS-FPX 4030 Making Evidence-Based Decisions Prof. Name: Date Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care

NURS-FPX 4030 Making Evidence-Based Decisions Prof. Name: Date Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care


Good day, everyone. I’m Leena. I am making this video to deliver an evidence-based plan of care for distant collaborative efforts to improve care quality and safety. I will also discuss the significance of choosing the appropriate evidence-based practice method. Furthermore, the advantages of the strategy and approaches to address the issues associated with distant interaction and collaboration will be presented in this video (Theobald et al., 2018).

The coronavirus outbreak has exposed the inability of healthcare administrations to provide fast and adequate patient treatment to improve the quality of care and safeguard patients’ safety. The difficulty of medical institutions interacting across different healthcare institutions is one of the main causes. Additionally, nursing staff and other healthcare professionals encounter several problems that harm healthcare organizations and institutions. When patients are located far from their doctors, it is challenging to manage their care. It may be necessary to use a variety of technologies to provide high-quality evidence-based care when healthcare practitioners and patients are not in the same area. Barriers, in this case, can be reduced by using multidisciplinary solutions in combination with a well-planned EBP strategy (Kar et al., 2020).

The Remote Collaboration Scenario

I will now discuss the Vila Hospital remote collaboration case. A two-year-old girl named Caitlynn was admitted to the emergency ward after getting pneumonia. Dr. Erica Copeland formed a comprehensive team of medical specialists, comprising Rebecca Helgo (respiratory therapist) and Virginia Anderson (nurse), to design a credible plan for the treatment of Caitlynn who suffered from pneumonia. Copeland examined the patient properly and discovered that she already had respiratory problems. Dr. Copeland also determined that Caitlynn had been hospitalized once during the previous six months for pneumonia care. Since her childhood, she had been dealing with meconium fecal impaction. As a result, Dr. Coupland nebulized her and applied chest compressions to help Caitlynn feel better. The viscous sputum caused respiratory difficulties when the spray was breathed. Caitlynn weighed 20.7 pounds. Around her appendages, she was covered in damaged tissue. Based on her sweat chlorine test and discussion among doctors and other specialists cystic fibrosis was identified.

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4: Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care

Caitlyn’s skilled medical team has established that developing a treatment plan and monitoring her development is essential. Traveling is not encouraged for people with cystic fibrosis because Caitlynn lives in McHenry, which is about an hour away. Her condition was treated by the doctor using pancreatic enzymes, a high-protein diet, gasping breathing therapy, or nebulizer remedies. She can’t use puffing breaths, putting her at risk for inadequate oxygen supply and respiratory infections that could make her feel agitated and restless. It is suggested that the patient’s physician and parents be informed to instruct them on how to monitor and treat the patient’s condition. Additionally, telemedicine via Skype discussions and online communication with a social welfare expert need to be discussed.

Evidence-Based Care Plan to Improve the Safety and Outcomes of the Patient

To enhance the patient’s safety and results, I will now put out an evidence-based care plan. When doctors and patients are far apart, as in the case of Caitlyn, telemedicine is an evidence-based technology to provide healthcare facilities to enhance patient outcomes. Through the use of telemedicine, patients can be examined, treated, and evaluated. To communicate with the nearby good hospitals having more advanced facilities, the rural healthcare services can use a teleconferencing approach. In this scenario, the pediatrician of Caitlyn who is Dr.Benjamin can utilize a telehealth approach to connect with Valley City Regional Hospital. As a result, Caitlynn will be able to easily obtain monitoring and guidance from various medical professionals. NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4: Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care. Through videoconferencing, Caitlynn’s family can also continue to learn about cystic fibrosis treatment. The Bergan are given the assistance they need to handle caring for a child with progressing serious disease. In a remote location where resources would not otherwise be available an interdisciplinary team that is accessible online and over the phone prove very helpful for the examination and treatment  (Amaraweera & Halgamuge, 2019).

Capella 4030 Assessment 4

The treatment plan for Caitlyn comprises nutritio

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