NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 2 Protected Health Information (PHI): Privacy Security and Confidentiality Best Practices

NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 2 Protected Health Information (PHI): Privacy Security and Confidentiality Best Practices


Significance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Safeguard Sensitive Electronic Health Information

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Interdisciplinary coordination is highly vital to ensure the proper implementation of the health information security activities and to improve the fortification and integrity of PIH. It is essential for all the nursing and healthcare staff to work in close coordination to provide better care to the patients and make decisions necessary for their improvement without breaking the barriers of disclosing their personal information or violating HIPAA laws. HIPPA regulation ensures the uninterrupted movement of statistics and information required for the execution of effective healthcare policies without breaking the trust of patients (Nass et al, 2018). Therefore, it is compulsory for all the healthcare staff and medical professionals to make collective efforts to come up with productive strategies without violating PHI rules linked with electronic health records or social media networking.

Evidence-based Approaches to Mitigate Risks Related to Sensitive Electronic Health Information

Following are some Evidence-based approaches used to alleviate the risks 

  • Some nurses in their negligence often share the patient’s picture with negative and inappropriate comments disclosing the patient’s personal information. Therefore, the staff is prohibited to connect with patients via social media or sharing their health updates (Nass et al, 2018).
  • The information gathered and used must adhere to HIPAA Rules and must be utilized in the best interests of patients (Edemekong, et al, 2022).
  • The data collected from the patients must be genuine and recorded with confidentiality. The data must only be accessible when needed to treat the patients. 
  • The information must not be retrieved without a genuine need.

Effective Staff Update

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  • The nursing staff is strictly obligated to follow the HIPAA guidelines.
  • The nursing staff is not allowed to communicate with the patients or their families via social networking sites.
  • The nurses are not allowed to share any information regarding the patients on the social media platform.
  • The staff is not allowed to expose the patients’ identities or share their information with unauthorized individuals.
  • The staff is not allowed to access patients’ information without permission.
  • Electronic transmission of PHI must be prohibited unless there is no other way of communication.
  • Staff members must inform the authorities if any HIPAA violation is observed.


Franklin, C. M., Bernhardt, J. M., Lopez, R. P., Long-Middleton, E. R., & Davis, S. (2021). Interprofessional Teamwork and Collaboration Between Community Health Workers and Healthcare Teams: An Integrative Review. Health services research and managerial epidemiology2, 2333392815573312.

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