NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 2 Attempt 1 Ethical and Policy Factors in Care Coordination

NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 2 Attempt 1 Ethical and Policy Factors in Care Coordination


In the field of medicine, ethical policies and ethical principles need to be given a fair share of consideration. A slight misbalance due to ethical conundrums can result in the downfall of the patient, which all medical personnel seek to avoid. In order to provide a clear understanding of these ethical policies, the American Nursing Association (ANA) chalked out certain ethical principles for nurses which imply an obligation on the nurses to adhere to these ethical policies. The ANA chalked out 4 basic ethical principles that formulate the domain for the code of ethics for nurses (Gaines, 2021). 

When it comes to devising a care coordination plan for patients, merely prescribing medications and some physical activities are not sufficient. In order to ensure effective care and treatment of a patient, individualized patient-centered care coordination plans need to be drafted to focus on the care of the patients. One important aspect to note is that these care coordination plans need to follow an ethical outline so that it ensures that the patients are treated under an ethical envelope. Any negligence in the implementation of these ethical principles can result in adverse effects on the patient. 

In this report, the ethical and policy factors in Rehabilitation Centers are discussed. Rehab centers are the central powerhouses that work on the treatment and care of patients who have reached a severe stage in their medical calamity. The sole purpose of rehab centers is to focus on the well-being of the patients by ensuring that they are affiliated with a healthy and ethically accepted environment that promotes both their physical as well as their mental health. The goal of this paper and this presentation is to highlight the ethical factors and policies that need to be deployed in the rehab centers to ensure the effective implementation of the care coordination plans for the patients. 

How Governmental Policies Affect the Care Coordination 

In rehabilitation centers, certain ethical policies need to be strictly followed to ensure the progress of the mental state of the patient. A patient’s mental state significantly deteriorates when they are admitted into the rehab center. In such a scenario, the patient can become agitating and a little difficult to handle. Under such circumstances, not only do the nurses need to portray extreme levels of patience, but they also need to observe strict binding to the provided ethical principles so that no filtration occurs in the treatment and in the care coordination plan of the patient. 

In the United States, currently, there are 15000+ rehab facilities working on the care and treatment of patients, and a significant portion of patients in rehab centers meet an unfortunate end due to the negligence of the ethical policies by the nurses working in the rehab centers. For the sake of limiting the number of adverse events in patients in rehab centers, the government of the United States devised the American Nursing Association (ANA) which solely focuses on drafting ethical guidelines which nurses need to observe while treating the patients in rehab centers.  

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These ethical principles proposed by the ANA are covered under four aspects – autonomy, beneficence, justice, and non-maleficence. Under the first factor, autonomy, it bides the nurses into the ethical policy that prior to taking any action in the care coordination plan, nurses need to respect and recognize the decision-making ability of the patient. Instead of deploying a care coordination scheme on the patient, nurses should instead take into account the reservations of the patient before making any decision

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