NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Care Coordination Presentation to Colleagues

NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Care Coordination Presentation to Colleagues


“Patients’ self-management skills are enhanced.” The whole cost is less. The number of those who survive has increased considerably (Wierzbicka 2019) This means that nursing staff must be well-versed in society’s goods and services, as well as the regional and national moral frameworks that sustain their work. I’ll provide my findings and analyses on a wide range of subjects and concerns, including culturally sensitive patient engagement methods, aspects of strategy execution in our health agency, and the rationale for the prudent decision.

Culturally Sensitive Strategy for Collaborating with Patients

Culturally sensitive communication is implemented via three processes, according to the research. Developing an understanding of one’s own sociological beliefs, norms, behavior, and customs; defining honest and empathic connection. Developing techniques for collaborating with parents and children to provide the best possible treatment (Claramita et al., 2016). This understanding is crucial because cultural differences in beliefs, attitudes, and customs can be significant, and clinicians should be aware of and appreciate these differences (Broom., et al 2019).

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Practitioners must be aware of different strategies. This can be achieved by making specific interactions by patients. In order to acquire the trust of patients and the families, practitioners must assess their capacity to communicate in a culturally appropriate manner. Open and empathetic communication involves clear dialogue as well as regard for a person ‘s ethnic norms and behaviour. Clear dialogues, listening skills, and empathy are utilized to establish a trusting and respectful rehabilitation relationship. Examination of patient and family communication methods from various ethnic backgrounds. It is necessary to evaluate both verbal and nonverbal indicators in order to attain cultural sensitivity, as well as how this analysis may vary within and within groups. (Havens., et al 2018).

The most effective ways for engaging patients & family caregivers include patient-centered, socially, and empirically validated care coordination procedures. The accompanying technique empowers patients and their relatives whenever they participate in debate, selection, and medical treatment (Baur et al., 2018).

To improve the patient-nurse-physician contact, provide assistance in multiple languages, promote patient-centered care in society, and display compassion and consideration (Rozen., et al 2018). In-direct discussion is being phased out in favor of direct interaction. Clear engagement, for instance, is desirable throughout the evaluation, while indirect talk might result in disagreements (Reed et al., 2019).

Reducing the usage of mobile app-technologies and boosting the usage of systematic and detailed consultations. The detailed consultation includes medication administration errors, medicine prescribing, dispensing management and enhancement of treatment quality (Portz et al., 2019).

Just used the EBP approach to implement change and measure outcomes as a group in order to increase communication and information sharing among HCPs. To solve conflicts and effectively manage coworkers, use underlying cause analysis and dispute resolution (Goodwin., et al 2021).

It is critical to encourage colleagues and train them how to provide psychological, intellectual, technical, and integrative aid in order to establish a safer working environment. Consequently, this has increased the awareness in people. (Cho et al, 2018). By registering concerns quickly and complying to national healthcare regulations, one may be truthful and responsible (Park et al., 2018). Improve provider communication; developing a trustworthy relationship with patients’ family members. This can be done by understanding their culture system. 

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