NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 4 Attempt 3 Final Care Coordination Plan

NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 4 Attempt 3 Final Care Coordination Plan


The Care Coordination plan is an extremely crucial step for the speedy recovery of the patient and for ensuring the provision of the right treatment at the right time. It involves all the activities planned to provide quality care and treatment to the patient. A care coordination plan helps in developing a secure and effective atmosphere for the patient where they can trust their healthcare provider and are provided with quality and efficient services. It is the utmost duty of the nurses and healthcare staff to be vigilant and active in order to deal with all sorts of circumstances. The main objective is to prepare a patient-centered treatment plan that prioritizes the patient’s needs and predilections guaranteeing effective communication with the right person at the right time to ensure the best treatment for the patients. It is mandatory for the nursing staff to have knowledge about medicinal and ethical practices in order to plan and negotiate a better plan for the patients (Izumi, et al., 2018). A patient when provided with the proper guidelines and instruction by the healthcare advisor, develops certain positivity and will to achieve better. 

Patient-centered Health Interventions & Timelines for Selected Healthcare Problem

Patient-centered care coordination revolves around the idea of addressing the needs of patients and concentrates on providing them with the best possible treatment that yields enhanced and better clinical outcomes. This intervention includes specifically patient centred, the treatment varies from patient to patient. Patient-centered intervention has become increasingly popular in the healthcare world because it helps the healthcare facility achieve the objective of providing personalized care and patient satisfaction. The Villa Health Hospital is also uplifting its objective of dealing with Gestational Diabetes patients in an effective and efficient manner via the road of patient-centered care coordination. The patient-centered treatment plan is concerned with the wellness of the patients. It is the coordination between patients, healthcare workers, and patients’ families to integrate and mobilize all the available resources to support and treat the patient, educate them, and provide them with quality care (Otero, et al., 2015).

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A care coordination plan is a methodology devised for delivering improved, efficient, safe, and quality healthcare services and also help patient manage their health and wellbeing, as diabetic patient requires to take care of their health, diet and physical activity. The patient-centered health care plan purpose to promote diabetes self-management by implementing systematic improvements to improve primary care quality and delivery. Scheduled appointments, mini-group health consultations, and a Self-Management program. The first step is the “self-management goal cycle”. Its main objective is to guide individuals in developing clear, achievable goals that they are confident they can achieve. The patient is analyzed to see where they think the intensity of their disease lie, secondly it is analyzed that to which extent patient believe that they will be able to achieve their goals to control diabetes. All goals are written in the medical chart and available to the whole patient care team, which is a great advantage of this Cycle. This guarantees that patients goals are reviewed at every moment of interaction with the patient, resulting in a uniform healthcare continuum (Langford et al., 2007).

In next step, a detailed evaluation is made regarding the patient diet and daily routine. In this an evaluation can, be made to see what routines patient has followed previously and whether those evaluations have worked for them. Based on this information, the patient’s healthcare team can help him or her develop a thorough and coherent objective that is meaningful to them. The team may make a duplicate of the aim and provide it to the patient. The improvement of patients based on this plan can checked by quarterly or monthly floow0up visits or through telephone appointment with the healthcare team (Martinez et al., 2017; Ritchie et al., 2021). This will make both sides more familiar with the approach and will ultimately be capable of achieving high goals without using formal goal-setting tools. The procedure gradually will become a standard part of primary care visits and is easily combined with clinical treatment. 

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Another intervention will be the use of patient education. Several dia

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