NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 4 Attempt 3 Final Care Coordination Plan

NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 4 Attempt 3 Final Care Coordination Plan


2nd intervention would be the blood sugar monitoring regime. Care plans must contain a segment on blood sugar testing. This part will include information such as the kind of glucose monitor used and the goal blood sugar level preceding mealtime. This will also discuss how blood sugar tests would be performed and which body part is most suited for the testing, including the fingers, thighs, calves, or arm (Li & Hao, 2019).

3rd intervention regarding care plan would be the Insulin therapy managment. The insulin therapeutic section of the proposal will include the following information: the insulin administration machine used, including a needle, an insulin pen fill, or an insulin syphon; Insulin-to-carbohydrate proportion, that also allowed the user to quantify the appropriate dose of insulin; and a timetable for self-administration of insulin (Lauver et al., 2019).

4th intervention can be the use of family support during treatment schedule. Because family could have a big effect on disease care, giving diabetes training to only the person with t2dm may restrict its influence on individuals. Family-based methods to chronic illness care stress the environment in which the disease is endemic, such as the family’s physical surroundings and also patients’ and relatives and friends’ intellectual, social, and psychological requirements. Family involvement in learning programmes may assist to encourage diabetic patients, build functional family practices, and encourage diabetic self-management (Tomaselli, et al., 2020).

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Ethical Decisions in Designing Patient-Centered Healthcare Interventions

The trend of patient-centered care is becoming increasingly common and adaptable around the globe as its positive consequences cannot be denied. The patient-centered treatment revolves around the concept of treating patients individually while considering the patient’s personality issues, lifestyle, and relationships along with physical illness. This concept has allowed physicians to improve the care and treatment provided to the patients and think more logically. However, some group thinks that there are certain conflicts associated with patient-centered care such as breaching patients’ privacy, seeking patients’ narrative that can be biased, developing personal relationship, and a shared decision that can result in negative outcome putting the responsibility on healthcare worker and many more (Tomaselli, et al., 2020). 

By far patient-centered care plan is the most ethical and efficient way of treatment with certain implications for healthcare workers. It can be seen as a way of entitling the patient as the main entity and equally involved in the treatment and decisions. The healthcare workers must be very mindful and careful while dealing with the patient’s personal information. In patient-centered care treatment, the patients are treated equally while taking the decisions for their treatment. There is no privacy between the patient and healthcare advisor to ensure the best treatment while respecting the requirement and needs of patients. The healthcare workers and physicians must be ethical and professional enough to work with the objective of betterment of their patients rather than leaking their personal information or dealing with them adversely (Tomaselli, et al., 2020).

Patient-centered care is a unique ethical practice that emphasizes the well-being of the patient and believes in gaining the trust of the patient by guiding them and considering their advice while deciding for them. The main idea is to utilize all the resources in the best possible manner to yield maximum positive outcomes. The practical results of a shared decision are more in favor of patients and fulfill the needs of patients in an ethical manner. The patient-centered care depends upon various elements including the type and intensity of the disease, social, and economic condition of the patient, and technological resources available. Therefore, in order to make an ethical judgment that is in the service of the patient following aspects must be considered:

  • Question the legality of the decision before implementation.
  • Work with full dedication and professionalism.
  • Be ready to understand the patient and give the right suggestion.

Following are some ethical questions that must be catered to while making the decision:

  • Is the decision in the best interest of the patient?
  • Is this the legal approach?
  • Is this fulfilling the ethical requirements?
  • Is the patient’s privacy secured?

Though, Patient-centered intervention approach is of great importance, but these

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