NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Disaster Recovery Plan

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Disaster Recovery Plan


  1. Increase the proportion of adults who have an emergency plan for disasters — PREP‑D04
  2. Increase the proportion of people who donate blood — BDBS‑D01 (Galderisi, 2022).

Emergency Assistance Act: This is a government policy that plays an important role in providing health services to the people in the first place of emergency. Emergency aid is provided under this policy which is very helpful and essential for effective DRP (Mashi, 2019).

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): ADA is an important government policy that provides the regulations to protect and provide healthcare services to disabled people during an emergency (Iezzoni, 2022).

The Disaster Mitigation Act: Under this policy, aid and emergency disaster management services are provided to the people.

Implications of these Policies

  • Better healthcare services can be provided during an emergency
  • Disable and handicapped people can get equal aid
  • Social and economic disparities can be reduced
  • Cultural sensitivity can be achieved
  • Social equity can be achieved  (Iezzoni, 2022).
  • Training and resources can be provided to nurses and the community to get pre-active for any emergency etc. 

Evidence-Based Strategies To Overcome Communication Barriers

Communication and interprofessional collaboration is the key to performing effective teamwork and getting positive outcomes. There can be a situation during any emergency or disaster that recovery plans or policies fail to provide a proper remedy. But communication and interprofessional collaboration in this situation can play an effective role and provide positive outcomes. So, the following are some evidence-based strategies that can help to enhance the interprofessional collaboration and communication between healthcare workers which can result in better patient care and safety; 

Triage: Healthcare workers should work on making a triage, it can help to provide more effective healthcare services in a short time in case of any disaster. Triage can be formed by dividing the duty into three phases. First of all the nurses will make a hierarchy of patients in which minor injuries will be checked by nurses. Secondly, the serious injuries patient will be referred to doctors. Thirdly, fatal injuries and most serious patients requiring surgeries and Intensive care will be referred to the emergency ward and Intensive care unit (ICU). 

Modern healthcare technology: Telehealth and digital technology can be used to enhance communication between nurses (Kichloo, 2020). Using any mobile application or any other technology a digital connection can be developed between the whole healthcare staff. In case of emergency, they can communicate easily and duty division, reports, patients hierarchy, etc can be maintained through this connection.

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Disaster Recovery Plan

Strategic communication between healthcare teams can also increase interprofessional collaboration. The workload can be maintained through this connection. 

Implications of these strategies: 

  • Improved interprofessional collaboration and communication
  • Better healthcare services
  • Incorporation of telehealth and digital technology in healthcare institutions
  • Training and development of nurses to develop triage and work in a team
  • Teamwork and effective team building
  • Positive impacts on patients and proper healthcare management
  • Improved and instant healthcare services available to people in emergency etc.

Hence, are the implications of evidence-based strategies that can help to enhance communication and collaboration between healthcare workers. 


To summarize, a disaster recovery plan is a set of rules and instructions which is used to immediately respond during any emergency or disaster situation. Economic, social, and cultural barriers can be negatively effective on DRP. In a better DRP, social equity and cultural sensitivity are ensured to lessen the health disparities. Healthcare and government policies explained above are the positive factors to provide better healthcare services to the community in case of any disaster. Communication and interprofessional collaboration is the most important factor for the proper management of healthcare services. 

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American Occupational Therapy Association. (2020). Educator’s guide for addressing cultural awareness, humility, and dexterity in

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