NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan - Online Class Services NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Disaster Recovery Plan

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan - Online Class Services NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Disaster Recovery Plan


Hi, I am Almarie. Today I will be presenting a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) to deal with natural disasters or any emergency that can probably be faced by the healthcare community. This plan will be provided for the Vila Hospital so that in the future the upcoming disasters could be dealt with effectively. First of all, it is necessary to comprehend what is DRP. DRP is a set of instructions and guidelines that can be followed by organizations for immediate response to any emergency or disastrous situation (Finucane, 2020). 

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In this assessment, I would be presenting a DRP to deal the disastrous situations in the future. Being a nurse I have observed the situation of emergency when the train derailing incident happened. Following that situation of emergency now I will be providing an effective DRP that can be helpful for Vila Health Hospital to deal with future emergencies. 

Determinants Impacting the Health, Safety, And Recovery Efforts In The Community

Below the detailed impacts of these determinants would be discussed. 

Health Determinants

This is because in case of an emergency old people and children get more affected and their health and safety require extra care and time. As in the disaster of the train derailing the old man 90 years old got no injuries but still due to the aftershock of the incident there was a need to provide them health services. 

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Secondly, people already suffering from any health condition get more affected during disasters and impact community efforts. Let’s suppose the pregnant women who died in the given senario. She required immediate help because she was in a phase of pregnancy. This death caused a question mark on the health and disaster recovery efforts. There should be some instant service which must rescue this kind of people from the incident area. 

Economic Barriers: 

In the community, everyone cannot afford healthcare services and in disasters, major injuries and healthcare issues are encountered. Lack of financial resources causes people to suffer more. For the Vila health community, there is a need for equal healthcare facilities to lessen the impact of economic barriers.

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