Nurs-fpx 4060 assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan Slide 2 Disaster Plan and Recovery (Mobilize collaborative partners)

Nurs-fpx 4060 assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan Slide 2 Disaster Plan and Recovery (Mobilize collaborative partners)


A disaster is considered anything out of the ordinary that happens and prevents access to key processes. Planning makes it possible to manage the entire life cycle of a potential disaster. Strategic and operational planning establishes priorities, identifies expected levels of performance and capability requirements, provides the standard for assessing capabilities, and helps stakeholders learn their roles (U.S. Homeland Security, 2020). A major component of a disaster plan is the recovery phase; recovery is defined as the activities that occur before, during, and after a disastrous event. Following a disaster, survival rates depend on healthcare facilities’ ability to provide care under duress and to handle a sudden influx of large numbers of victims. Much depends on the staff, supplies, equipment, structure, and systems that are required to treat a significant increase in patients seeking medical and nursing care (Veenema, 2016). The disaster recovery process is focused on restoring and revitalizing communities that have been impacted by the disaster, such as the train derailment disaster that affected the Villa Health community. Both planning and recovery are essential components for proper management and restoration of community disasters. After speaking with the Vila Health Hospital and community officials, it is clear their disaster recovery plan needs to be revised.

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MAP-IT Framework

Adopted from the Health People 2020 initiative, the MAP-IT framework is used to plan and evaluate public health interventions such as disaster recovery. The framework outlines a path to success, mobilizes collaborative partners, assesses community needs, plans to lessen health disparities and improve access to services, implements a plan to reach healthy people 2020 objectives, and tracks community progress (“MAP-IT,” 2020). To achieve the first step in the framework, goals for recovery need to be established. As mentioned earlier, the Villa Health community was affected by a train derailment, and after speaking with the Vila Health hospital and community officials, gaps in their current disaster plan were identified. The first goal should be enhancing collaboration and communication with local emergency services. Collaboration with hospital personnel should include a new triage and treatment process. In addition, the promotion of community services, including rehabilitation to disabled and injured individuals. Collaborative partners will also include state and government officials and awareness of government policies, as the implications of the disaster will more than likely overwhelm the community’s resources.

Nurs-fpx 4060 assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan

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Barriers that Impact Safety, Health, and Recovery Efforts (Assess community needs)

The range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health status are known as determinants of health. Determinants of health fall under several broad categories: policymaking, social factors, health services, individual behavior, biology, and genetics. It is the interrelationships among these factors that determine individual and population health (Healthy People 2020, May 2020). Vulnerable populations include social groups with an increased relative risk or predisposition toward adverse health outcomes. Such as those in the Villa Health community; 204 residents are elderly with complex health conditions; 147 are physically disabled and/or use lip-reading or American Sign Language to communicate. According to (Reinhardt, 2011), studies show that persons with pre-existing disabilities are more likely to die in a natural disaster. Obstacles arise, such as impairments that affect one’s ability to escape a situation and their ability to recognize and communicate that a disaster is occurring.

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The resources within VCRH’s health system greatly affect the care that can be delivered; both VCRH’s ambulances are aging and in need of an overhaul. Also, much of the hospital’s basic infrastructure and equipment is old and showing wear; the hospital has run at persistent deficits and has been unable to upgrade. According to the director of facilities, supplies are also in short supply, as they run out of essential resources during the disaster.

The city is in the midst of a financial crisis, with bankruptcy looming, and has instituted layoffs at the police and fire departments. Also, maybe look at downsizing nursing staff. Without funding and a proper budget, the hospital and emergency services cannot function effectively.

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Disaster Recovery Plan (Plan to lessen health disparities and improve access to services)

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