NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3: Economic Challenges in Disaster Recovery

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3: Economic Challenges in Disaster Recovery


Economic determinants significantly impact a community’s ability to recover from disasters. Low-income communities often face greater challenges in rebuilding infrastructure, accessing healthcare, and restoring economic stability. Economic disparities may result in unequal distribution of resources, hindering recovery efforts. Developing strategies that address economic barriers involves fostering economic resilience, ensuring financial accessibility to healthcare services, and implementing equitable resource distribution in the aftermath of disasters (Banerjee et al., 2020). Recognizing the intricate interplay between cultural, social, and economic factors is essential for creating effective, inclusive disaster recovery plans that prioritize the well-being of diverse communities.

Interrelationship of the Factors

The determinants of health, encompassing biological, environmental, social, and economic factors, are intricately linked and collectively shape community safety, health outcomes, and disaster recovery efforts. Cultural barriers impact health by influencing beliefs and communication, thereby affecting disaster preparedness and response. Social barriers, such as inequality and limited resources, exacerbate vulnerabilities during disasters and hinder community resilience. Economic challenges further compound these issues, as disparities in financial resources impact recovery, healthcare access, and overall well-being. The interrelationships among these factors underscore the importance of holistic approaches in disaster recovery planning, emphasizing the need to address cultural, social, and economic dimensions collectively to foster resilient and equitable communities.

Need for proposing a Disaster Recovery Plan applying the MAP-IT

The imperative for proposing a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) for Valley City Regional Hospital stems from the need to ensure swift, organized, and effective responses to potential disasters. A well-crafted DRP, following the MAP-IT framework of Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, and Track, is essential for proactive preparedness. The Mobilize phase emphasizes the immediate activation of emergency response teams and resource mobilization, while the Assess phase allows for a thorough evaluation of the disaster’s impact, informing targeted strategies. The Plan phase involves developing comprehensive guidelines for patient care, resource allocation, and community engagement, fostering resilience in the face of unforeseen challenges. The implementation ensures the execution of these strategies. The tracking phase monitors responses in real time, facilitating dynamic adjustments (Aifah et al., 2023). This integrated approach not only safeguards the well-being of patients and staff but also enhances Valley City Regional Hospital’s overall capacity to navigate and recover from unexpected disasters effectively.


The initial step in implementing the Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) for Valley City Regional Hospital is the Mobilize phase. This involves the immediate activation of emergency response teams and the rapid mobilization of necessary resources. By swiftly assembling personnel, equipment, and communication channels, the hospital establishes a proactive stance, ensuring readiness for potential disasters and enabling a quick and coordinated response.


Following mobilization, the Assess phase is critical for gaining a comprehensive understanding of the disaster’s impact. Through meticulous evaluation, the hospital assesses the extent of damage, identifies affected areas, and gauges the health and safety needs of the community. This phase informs the subsequent development of the DRP, allowing for tailored strategies that address the specific challenges posed by the Valley City Regional Hospital disaster.


The plan phase involves the systematic development of the DRP based on the insights gathered during the assessment. This includes defining roles and responsibilities, establishing communication protocols, and outlining specific procedures for patient care, resource allocation, and community engagement (Valinejadshoubi et al., 2019). A well-structured DRP, crafted during this phase, enhances the hospital’s preparedness, emphasizing a proactive and strategic approach to disaster management.

Implement and Track

Moving forward, the Implement phase translates planning into action, executing strategies laid out in the DRP. This includes providing immediate medical care, deploying resources effectively, and facilitating necessary procedures. Simultaneously, the Tracking phase monitors the ongoing response, allowing for real-time adjustments based on evolving circumstances. Regular assessmen

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