Nurs fpx 4900 Assessment 3: Evidence of Advantages and Disadvantages of the Use of Technology

Nurs fpx 4900 Assessment 3: Evidence of Advantages and Disadvantages of the Use of Technology

Evidence of Advantages and Disadvantages of the Use of Technology

The benefits and risks of using technology for the management of diabetes are presented below.

Following are some of the benefits concerning the application of the medical devices like glucometers (both digital and manual), mobile phone applications and software in the measurement of glucose level. These technologies do not only enable the healthcare professionals to track down the condition of the patient, but also in planning the care pattern in the future with the help of the data. The patient, by self-management, also feels confident and empowered and is more compliant with the therapeutic plan. The smart apps enable the patient to control and adjust the physical activities and eating habits so as to enhance their health status. In the same manner, the evidence based studies also support the effectiveness of the use of technology in diabetes. In the study by Sharma et al. (2022), the significance of the use of the electronic technology, such as glucose level tele monitoring as telehealth services was discussed. The findings of the research also led to the conclusion that the remote monitoring system can cause a permanent change in the ways of delivering healthcare. Another study done by Morulae et al. (2021) showed that the software and smart devices for self-management of diabetes among the patients was equally effective in reducing the glucose level of the patients. The same observation was made in the study by Fontecha et al. (2022)

According to the study, the telemedicine and mobile technology for the self-management of the diabetic patient was useful in monitoring the glucose level and also useful in the long term management of the glucose level in the patient.

However, it is also important to pay attention to the fact that these devices and the medical technologies also have some drawbacks although they are used in the healthcare system and by the patients. Many of them are associated with ambiguity or inaccuracy of the results due to non-validation or non-calibration. These disadvantages are discussed further in the light of

evidence based studies. Assessing the efficiency of the medical devices and technology for the early diagnosis and control of diabetes Vijayan et al. (2021) had some criticism on the credibility of the electronic devices on the accuracy of the collected data.

Insights into Current Technology Use and Barriers

The healthcare facilities and organizations utilize gadgets such as digital and manual glucose level apparatus for checking the glucose level of the diabetic patients either on the spot or continuously. These devices are quite beneficial as they allow the doctor or the healthcare provider to assess the condition of the patient even remotely. Mobile phone applications Glucobyte and MySugarApp or software like DiaBass and DexCom can be used to assess the state of the patient condition. However, if the medical team or the care providers are not in a position to manage such devise or software then the effectiveness of the device or system can be affected (Patil et al., 2022). At times, the financial position may also limit the type of devices that can be used or the upgrading or updating of the devices, if applications and software may have expired. Moreover, concerning the apps and software, it is important to have continuous internet connection which most of the time is not possible in the rural areas. Thus, there is a need to educate the patient on the use of technology that will help the patient to monitor himself.

Some of the patients, like Mr. Mathew, have partial medical insurance especially when it comes to medical devices and hospital visits; it can therefore be hard to afford good quality equipment. The good quality digital glucometers which is a very useful device for monitoring the patient’s condition costs between 400 to 500 USD depending on the brand used. There may also be instances whereby there are some technical issues with the devices that may force

repurchasing. Furthermore, the application that is installed in the mobile phones can also develop a monthly subscription fee of not less than 10-30 USD and this will also be an added cost. The patients’ technological literacy, especially for patients of old age like Mr. Mathew, is not ideal and may require the assistance of a health care provider to guide them through the application. This limits the efficacy of the used of medical devices and software (Birati et al., 2022).

Community Resources for Care Coordination

Diabetes is a chronic with a number of manifestations in the form of cardiovascular diseases, retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy etc. Hence, the management of this disease requires the doctors and other medical practitioners including the paramedical staff

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