NURS FPX 6008 Assessment 2 Needs Analysis for Change

NURS FPX 6008 Assessment 2 Needs Analysis for Change




The term “needs analysis” describes a methodical and thorough examination aimed at determining and assessing the needs, demands, and deficiencies in the provision of healthcare in order to start implementing revolutionary changes. This procedure looks closely at a number of topics, including resource allocation, organizational effectiveness, patient care, and healthcare infrastructure. In order to identify areas for transformation or improvement, needs analysis employs evidence-based approaches to collect both quantitative and qualitative data, such as patient outcomes, clinical indicators, and stakeholder feedback. The requirements analysis helps policymakers and healthcare professionals create focused change strategies by identifying patterns, trends, and disparities in the healthcare system through statistical studies and epidemiological methodologies (Ko et al., 2019). This assessment’s primary goal is to create a need analysisSummary of the Chosen Economic Issue

The scarcity of access and funding in underserved and rural communities in the United States poses a major obstacle to achieving fair development and opportunities in these areas. Statistics indicate that around 19 million Americans, primarily in rural areas, require access to high-speed internet services. The gap in digital access widens the inequalities in education, healthcare, and economic prospects among urban and rural areas (Ali, 2020). Additionally, rural areas frequently require increased availability of essential services like medical centers, financial institutions, and supermarkets. Research shows that federal funding for infrastructure and community development is often focused on urban and suburban areas, neglecting rural communities.

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In order for economic growth, job creation, and quality of life to improve in these areas, both access and funding are essential. To tackle this problem, it is necessary to invest specifically in infrastructure, expand broadband, and enhance access to vital services in order to close the gap between urban and rural areas and foster inclusive economic growth throughout the country. Around 19% of the U.S. population resides in rural areas, but only 10% of medical professionals work in those regions, as reported by the National Rural Health Association (Fisk et al., 2020). This discrepancy in healthcare availability leads to hindered or inefficient healthcare, resulting in lackluster health outcomes and increased healthcare expenditures over time (Jara et al., 2021).

Impact of Economic Issue

In my role as a nurse, I have directly observed the impacts of this economic problem. Underserved and rural regions frequently encounter difficulties with primary care, specialized services, and preventive care. Patients may face challenges accessing healthcare facilities due to the long distances they may need to travel, which can hinder their ability to receive timely treatment or follow-up care. Limited funding worsens the issue, as healthcare organizations in these regions require assistance to supply essential resources, equipment, and staff (Kaye, 2020).
The tension resulting from my organization’s limited access and funding is noticeable. Healthcare providers frequently must strive for equilibrium when trying to meet the healthcare demands of a larger group with only limited resources. This scenario places stress on the healthcare staff, resulting in higher workload, burnout, and decreased job satisfaction. Providing thorough and holistic care for patients can be difficult due to time constraints and resource limitations, leading to compromised patient care quality (Jara et al., 2021).NURS FPX 6008 Assessment 2 Needs Analysis for Change

On a broader scale, the entire community feels the impact of this economic issue. The underserved and rural populations’ health disparities contribute to a cycle of poverty and diminished economic productivity. When individuals cannot access adequate healthcare, their overall well-being suffers, hindering their ability to work and contribute to the local economy. Furthermore, the burden of untreated or poorly managed health conditions places a significant financial strain on families and communities as healthcare costs escalate (Kaye, 2020).

Rationale and Gap for Pursing the Issue

The reason for addressing this matter is based on the principles of fairness and equal healthcare availability. No matter where one lives or how much money they have, everyone should have access to quality healthcare services in a timely manner.

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