NURS FPX 6011 Assessment 2 Attempt 1 Evidence-Based Population Health Improvement Plan

NURS FPX 6011 Assessment 2 Attempt 1 Evidence-Based Population Health Improvement Plan


Environmental Factors
Genetics and environmental factors are the two main causes of diabetes in American Indians. After the Indian Removal Act was enacted by Congress, they had to deal with a number of upsetting experiences. Their animals were hunted again and again and Ais were forced to migrate. Their forced lifestyle adjustments and societal insults, which were a major contributor to health inequalities, are documented throughout history. They were forced to relocate historically, and the destruction of their traditional irrigation methods made them dependent on government aid. The consumption of fat rich foods increase the chances of obesity and diabetes in AIs (Lucero & Roubideaux, 2022).

 Relevance and Validity of the Resources
The information extracted from the credible sources helps to gain knowledge about risk factors of environment and T2DM prevalence. The majority of the information is based on reports from the CDC and IHS, two of the most reliable databases for gathering information on health, particularly that of AIs.

Meeting Community Needs

Population Health Improvement Plan
Five ethical principles, such as equity, empowerment, openness, respect, and participation
For the proper maintenance of budget and training to community members
Cooking classes focused on promotion of culture-relevant T2DM
Ethically spreading the information of diabetes to the community members

Potential Barriers:
Lack of access to low fat and low carbs diet
Preference to cultural meals over western dishes
Rejection of government healthcare medicines

NURS FPX 6011 Assessment 2 Attempt 1 Evidence-Based Population Health Improvement Plan

The assessment of T2DM in AIs demands a comprehensive and efficient ethical health betterment plan. The important principles of ethical principles are also suggested to include in the plan (Hailes et al., 2020). These guidelines will assist participants, including organizations and health care professionals, in managing risk factors and illness while honoring local customs and cultures. For instance, since eating components directly affect body weight, educating people about healthy food may be perceived as ridiculing their culture or customs (Hailes et al., 2020). Making ethical decisions is therefore essential to developing a health strategy.
The food environment in AI communities is another factor in the prevalence of obesity and disorders like diabetes and type II that are associated to it. It is suggested that AI individuals had obesity rates higher than other ethnic groups (Zamora-Kapoor et al., 2019). Unhealthy dietary conditions are the main cause of obesity. They eat a processed diet that is rich in calories, salt, and fats. Inadequate transportation due to the vast number of AIs living in rural regions, poverty, low-income population, and other environmental constraints all contribute to the lack of availability to good food (Zamora-Kapoor et al., 2019).
The community should be included through techniques like cooking workshops that are culturally appropriate, training in food budgeting, and strategies for health improvement. The fact that these strategies raise awareness of a healthy diet makes them valuable. Cooking workshops and money management lessons can teach individuals how to prepare or buy affordable, healthful food from nearby community markets (Zamora-Kapoor et al., 2019).
Traditional foods and an unwillingness to use medications made by white people are two further cultural hurdles. Their past issues they had to deal with might be the cause. The traditional cuisine is really derived from historically produced government goods that are unhealthy and raise the risk of diabetes. Additionally, people primarily turn to traditional treatments rather than using pharmaceuticals (VanderWeele et al., 2019). The strategy should incorporate moral education tactics to inform people of the significance of sickness treatment in order to prevent this. Here, the ethical elements of the strategy will aid in enlightening people while yet respecting their cultural values.

Measuring Outcomes
The community will be guided to prefer healthy food in their diets. Consequently, the members of the community will focus on purchasing healthy food.
They will follow the proper diet once they are get to know about the benefits of healthy meal. Their preference to healthy lifestyle will help to decrease the possibility of diabetes
The knowledge of risk factors related to diabetes will make them able to comprehend the significance of diabetic medicines. Their knowledge about risk factor will also help to curb the rise of diabetic patients
The bond between medical staff and AIs will strengthen with help of ethical elements to secure Ais from

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