NURS FPX 6610 Assessment 3 Transitional Care Plan Insightful Assessment of the Patient’s Needs

NURS FPX 6610 Assessment 3 Transitional Care Plan Insightful Assessment of the Patient’s Needs


Information needed to transfer Mrs. Snyder to another healthcare sector is medical test results, a list of Mrs. Snyder’s post-discharge prescriptions, and time spent in the previous hospital. Additionally, Mrs. Snyder’s counseling documents, follow-up plans, social assistance and insurance coverage documents, Mrs. Snyder’s current health condition, enhanced safety risk assessments, and thorough treatment and drug history associated with chronic diseases are also required (Humphries et al., 2020). 

Importance of Key Elements of a Transitional Care Plan

Every key element is essential in transitional care plans with which patient quality of care can be improved. It is important to collect patient emergency and advance directive information from previous healthcare sectors so that healthcare professionals prepare for every issue that can come up in the treatment and how to resolve them. It will also help to know about Mrs. Snyder’s religious and cultural beliefs to avoid conflicts. In their literature review, Blackwood et al. (2019) suggested that advance directive helps make future health decisions. Advanced care planning will help to assess patients’ needs and wants. 

In the case of Mrs. Snyder, community and healthcare resources will help to resolve her concerns. She is suffering from an infected toe, so she should have walking problems that can be resolved if she gets room on the ground floor or if the organization has elevator facilities. She also needs a wheelchair to move from one ward to another, so hospitals must ensure they have sufficient facilities to avoid serious complications. In the journal, Schultz et al. (2021) provide the importance of healthcare services and community support to prevent hospital readmission rates. Moreover, they also said that patients need medical services and facilities after discharge to avoid serious issues (Schultz et al., 2021).  

NURS FPX 6610 Assessment 3 Transitional Care Plan

Along with this, medication reconciliation plays an important role as it will help access the medicine the patient is allergic to so that medication errors will be avoided. Along with this, patient readmission rates should also be avoided. Medication reconciliation will also address that Mrs. Snyder is on insulin, so healthcare staff must provide her with accurate insulin doses to prevent dangerous consequences. Borulkar et al. (2022), in their journal, give a viewpoint that medical reconciliation can help to avoid medication errors in healthcare organizations. Their journal focuses on the importance of medication reconciliation towards patient care treatment and safety (Borulkar et al., 2022).

With patient feedback, staff can assess patient concerns towards treatment. Mrs. Snyder suffered from a serious toe infection due to less awareness about post-discharge guidelines, which led her to readmit to the hospital. So healthcare staff requires patient feedback to avoid this type of negligence while treating her. Fiorillo et al. (2020) provide a literature review and describe that patient feedback is necessary to make a treatment decision. Staff will learn about patient concerns through feedback (Fiorillo et al., 2020).

Additionally, healthcare professionals and patients’ advanced training could help to improve Mrs. Snyder’s quality of care. With training, healthcare professionals learn about effective collaboration and communication, which will help to assess patients’ religious and cultural beliefs. Additionally, educating Mrs. Snyder is significant so that she can adopt self-management tactics (eating healthy food and going for walks daily) to improve her well-being and lifestyle. Every patient has different requirements and treatments, so it is important to develop a care plan according to patient requirements. In their case study, Kaper et al. (2019) provide a review that training is necessary for healthcare professionals and patients to avoid mortality rates and improve patient quality of care (Kaper et al., 2019).

Potential Effects of Incomplete or Inaccurate Information on Care

Transferring complete information about patients from one healthcare sector to another is important, as incomplete information can cause delays in treatment and serious complications. Along with incomplete information, if the information is inaccurate, it can cause serious consequences like wrong treatment, increased mortality, and readmission rates. Incomplete information can also cause medication errors. Staff will not get an accurate medication list of patients, and they can give the wrong medicine, which can have an adverse effect on patients. In their literature review, Zirpe et al. (2020) provide a review that an incomplete prescription list can also cause medication errors. Incomplete drug in

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