NURS FPX 6618 Assessment 1 Social interaction and loneliness

NURS FPX 6618 Assessment 1 Social interaction and loneliness


They actually state that this thing can do an immense job of assisting you in becoming a regular member of your neighborhood (Hwang et al. , 2020). Affected individuals may also experience no social interaction and loneliness due to the disability they are experiencing. Laundry, meals, transportation for appointments and other outing, making friends, companionship, peer support, support programs in the community, leisure programmes. It may make those disabled individuals interact with other individuals, perhaps, in the best possible way. These instruments can enable them to participate in social activities as indicated by Dreaver and its’ allies (2019).

NURS FPX 6618 Assessment 1 Persons with disabilities may also experience some difficulties concerning cash. That they cannot do like the cost incurred in winning the medical bills and the technology which assist them. Employment benefits or special payments such as disability payments, tax reliefs commonly referred to as tax credits as well as easily accessible financial aid such as low-interest loans are all forms of financial assistance. It can help for covering these things there and provide some money for disable persons (Kulikauskienė & Liukinevičienė, 2020). In the United States of America for instance there are several organizations that handle people with some form of disabilities.

As a result, like the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN), some of these include. The NDRN is a coalition of individuals that seek to protect the rights of the disabled; it supports disabled persons in litigation processes and provides them with instruments. They also assist organizations, which are In the process of helping disabled persons by offering training and technological aid. Another organization that exists is known as the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF). DREDF, as a national center for disability rights law and policy, is an organization that is dedicated to the promotion of disability rights. Its primary focus is to advocate for the civil and human rights of people with Disability by provision of legal services, public engagement as well as policy advocacy (Fox et al. , 2020).

Project Milestones

Goal setting and instructions definition is necessary to measure the outcome of any project however it plays a critical role when it aimed at projects that assist PwDs (Baker et al. 2020). Here is a list of goals and result measures that will provide a general work of what the whole project is and what people with disability will obtain.

Key point: In the present studies, there were certain effects on self-esteem due to specific forms of bottom-up thinking.

Conduct a needs assessment among all stakeholders, particularly persons with disabilities, their kin, and caregivers. A needs evaluation study will be the thing that needs to be carried out to reasonably determine how well this worked. It shall offer a lot of detail regarding the high level of information on what the disabled people in the target group need and desire (Fioramonti et al. , 2018).

Number 2: Milestone and Results “

Milestone: Customer journey map developed for new user experience

Result: Journey map of a new customer experience was created

Design an effective training program for service workers specifically focusing on the practices that support people with disability. This is if more information is needed and therefore a measure of how well this works will be know. Pretest, which is a measure of the students ‘ abilities before the training session, and post test, a measure of the students’ abilities after the training session, indicate that it will also develop some skills of the service workers (Fox et al. , 2020).

Three-point goal and results

Develop social contacts with organizations aimed at the disabled within your community and increase the interaction of the disabled individuals. The increased involvement of persons with disabilities to the project’s activities participation will also be measured by willingness of the targeted persons to attend event, and fill the questionnaire /survey. This way, they will be in a position to feel that they are part of the group life ( Hwang et al. , 2020).

Finally the final part of the celebrating plan is completed for which all the efforts and hard work done during the entire celebration plan are laid out in detail in the fourth and final ‘Milestone 4 What Happened’.

Design and implement an approach to monitor and assess the actions taken and the outcomes obtained on the project. The findings of the study also include guidelines involving measuring results: Newsletters containing updates on the project with notes on involvement, happiness, and results attained will be made often. This will make people believe

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