NURS FPX 6618 Potential Effects of Incomplete or Inaccurate Information on Care

NURS FPX 6618 Potential Effects of Incomplete or Inaccurate Information on Care


Transferring complete information about patients from one healthcare sector to another is important, as incomplete information can cause delays in treatment and serious complications. Along with incomplete information, if the information is inaccurate, it can cause serious consequences like wrong treatment, increased mortality, and readmission rates. Incomplete information can also cause medication errors. Staff will not get an accurate medication list of patients, and they can give the wrong medicine, which can have an adverse effect on patients. In their literature review, Zirpe et al. (2020) provide a review that an incomplete prescription list can also cause medication errors. Incomplete drug information delays treatment and increases mortality rates within healthcare organizations (Zirpe et al., 2020).  

Importance of Effective Communication

Effective communication with other healthcare agencies is necessary to know about patients’ medical history in detail. Effective interaction is essential in developing a positive interaction between the patient and the healthcare staff, which raises the patient’s level of trust and encourages commitment to care plans (Garcia-Jorda et al., 2022). Along with this, effective communication will help make decisions for patient well-being. To know about patients’ recent conditions, healthcare staff must communicate with previous healthcare agencies to avoid collecting information inaccurately. Mrs. Snyder is suffering from stress and depression due to the high cost of treatment, so she needs effective collaboration and moral support to get rid of depression and anxiety. Effective communication reduces the chances of adverse events and mortality rates within the organization (Yazdinejad et al., 2020). 

Potential Effects of Ineffective Communications

Ineffective communication can cause serious consequences like quick, timely, and appropriate treatment delays. In case of any emergency, lack of ineffective communication can cause serious issues like patients will not get immediate treatment as healthcare staff did not have accurate information about patients. Ineffective communication can also lead to serious health disparities, which can cause death (Raeisi et al., 2019). Ineffective communication can negatively affect patient treatment outcomes and quality of care. 

NURS FPX 6610 Assessment 2 Patient Care Plan

Due to ineffective communication, patient cost of treatment can also be increased because of an absence of communication. As information is not provided appropriately to destination healthcare providers, patients get repeated tests, which can cause unnecessary expenses. Ineffective communication can also cause a lack of trust and patient satisfaction toward healthcare professionals. Due to a lack of satisfaction, patient care quality will also be affected (Raeisi et al., 2019). 

Barriers to the Transfer of Accurate Patient Information

An effective transitional care plan depends on transferring proper information to destination hospitals. The lack of sufficient staff may be one of the actual obstacles to sharing accurate information. During the transitioning period, a nurse or any other staff member will be unable to perform their jobs effectively due to excessive burdens and responsibilities. Therefore, it could miscommunicate information (Ilardo & Speciale, 2020). 

Uncompleted medical histories are another barrier, such as missing test results and other diagnosis documents, which may cause miscommunication. Due to incomplete medical records, time will be wasted if testing and other medical procedures must be redone.

NURS FPX 6610 Assessment 2 Patient Care Plan

Due to the possibility that insurance may not always pay for repeated testing, it may also place an economic burden on the patient and their family. Sometimes, the transitional healthcare provider may need more room to accommodate patients’ needs. Planning and information sharing are essential as a result. Therefore, one of the main potential obstacles that can result in the patient’s health state getting worse is a lack of effective teamwork and clear communication (Cullati et al., 2019).

Lack of knowledge about Electronic Health Records (EHR) technology is another potential barrier that can cause miscommunication. Due to this, accurate patient information will not be transferred to the destination hospital because of a lack of training in healthcare professionals regarding EHR technology, which can cause serious issues (Tsai et al., 2020). 

Strategy to Establish Absolute Understanding of Continued Care

Various strategies can help to provide patients with effective care treatment. Healthcare profess

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