NURS FXP4000 Assessment 2 Applying Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

NURS FXP4000 Assessment 2 Applying Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles



            I accessed journal articles that are mostly associated with Pubmed. A search engine was used that goes across Capella University Library DataBases to find relevant peer-reviewed articles. The keywords that I used while carrying out the research were “medication errors”, “patient safety”, “quality care”, “nursing”, “evidence-based practices,” and “improved outcomes” so that I could find the most relevant pieces of literature. All the articles accessed were ensured to be peer-reviewed, belonging to an authentic genuine source with known authors, and published within the last five years.


Assessing the Credibility of Information


The criteria that I followed were to assess the credibility of the information gathered by incorporating the CRAAP test (University of Washington, n.d.). This test goes over the timeliness of the information making sure the publications are recent and relevant to ensure the topic of the articles is what is needed, the source of information, who is the author, and who is well-known. Finally, it goes over the accuracy and purpose to define why the information exists and how truthful it is (University of Washington, n.d.).


Analyzing Academic Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles


Farokhzadian, J., Dehghan Nayeri, N., & Borhani, F. (2018). The long way ahead to achieve an effective patient safety culture: challenges perceived by nurses. BMC Health Services Research18(1).


This article discusses a study that analyzed the establishment of a safety culture for patients and its challenges. The study identified the most significant challenges as the poor work environment, lack of resources, incompetent organizational infrastructure, and weakness in staff empowerment. A study in the UK emphasized the use of human resources to promote a safety culture. NURS FXP4000 Assessment 2 Applying Research Skills recognized quality improvement systems as useful tools for promoting a safety culture. Healthcare managers play a crucial role in allocating resources and employing social and cultural beliefs to achieve a safety culture by engaging the healthcare team. Leadership strategies can be implemented, and the article highlights modern management styles to overcome barriers to a safety culture. We selected this article to understand the challenges of promoting patient safety and to identify the most suitable tools or approaches to overcome them and establish a safer culture for patients.


Amiri, A., Solankallio-Vahteri, T., & Tuomi, S. (2019). Role of nurses in improving patient safety: Evidence from surgical complications in 21 countries. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 6(3), 239–246.

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