Nurse Leader and Manager Decisions in Healthcare Decisions

Nurse Leader and Manager Decisions in Healthcare Decisions

Nurse Leader and Manager Decisions in Healthcare Decisions

As a nurse leader and manager, I understand the importance of effective decision-making in the healthcare setting. I will use the DECIDE model, a structured decision-making approach, to guide my decision-making process. This model stands for “Define the problem, Enumerate the options, Consider the pros and cons, Identify your values, Decide on the best course of action, and Evaluate the outcomes” (Guo, 2020). Below is an illustration of how I would apply the DECIDE model with an example from a clinical situation I experienced.

Defining the Problem

In a recent clinical situation, our healthcare unit faced a staffing shortage due to several nurses calling in sick unexpectedly. This created a critical situation where we had to decide how to manage patient care effectively.

Enumerating the Options

I gathered my team to brainstorm potential solutions. We discussed options such as redistributing the workload among the remaining staff, calling in agency nurses, and postponing non-urgent procedures.

Considering the Pros and Cons

We then analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of each option. For example, redistributing the workload might lead to fatigue and burnout among the remaining nurses, while agency nurses could be costly and less familiar with our unit’s procedures (Stanley et al., 2022).

Identifying Values

It’s essential to consider ethical and organizational values. Our organization prioritizes patient safety, staff well-being, and cost-effectiveness. Balancing these values was a critical aspect of our decision-making (Weiss et al., 2019).

Deciding on the Best Course of Action

After careful deliberation, we decided to redistribute the workload temporarily and call in agency nurses to ensure patient safety. This option addressed the immediate staffing shortage while mitigating the risk of staff burnout.

Evaluating the Outcomes

Following the decision, we closely monitored the situation. We assessed the impact on patient care, staff morale, and the budget. This ongoing evaluation allowed us to make necessary adjustments and ensure our decision effectively addressed the problem (Weiss et al., 2019).


Using the DECIDE model helped us systematically approach the staffing shortage situation and make a well-informed decision aligned with our organizational values and priorities. It also allowed us to remain flexible and adaptive in our approach by continuously evaluating the outcomes and making adjustments as needed (Guo, 2020). Ultimately, the decision-making process was essential in maintaining quality patient care while managing a challenging staffing situation.


Guo, K. L. (2020). DECIDE: A decision-making model for more effective decision making by health care managers. The health care manager39(3), 133-141.

Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L., & James, A. H. (Eds.). (2022). Clinical leadership in nursing and healthcare. John Wiley & Sons.

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