Nursing Philosophy: Definition, Foundation, and Personal Philisophy

Nursing Philosophy: Definition, Foundation, and Personal Philisophy


Subject: Nursing
Pages: 1
Words: 339
Reading time:

2 min

Study level: School

A nursing philosophy is a declaration that terms a nurse’s values, views, and morals and their incentive for joining the arena. It deliberates a nurse’s education, practice, and patient maintenance morals from their perspective. Nursing philosophy can help someone recognize the theories and beliefs that impact their choices on the job each day. This paper will highlight my nursing philosophy and how it can have a global impact.

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I selected nursing as a career because I honestly consider that the urge to aid individuals via nursing is a passion, and I am worn to supporting persons in need. Nursing is an honorable occupation that should not be regarded as only a means to an end. I am determined to offer open-minded care to persons in need, irrespective of religious beliefs, financial situation, ethnicity, lifestyle choices, or disability. In my view, nurses owe it to the community to deliver harmless, inclusive, patient-concentrated care. I need to recall that my patients are individuals, not medical problems or room numbers, who mandate and deserve individualized responsiveness and care. Nurses should apply the medical ruling to succor patients in meeting their necessities. As promoters, we should endow patients by inspiring them to become lively contestants in their care and develop common goals. We should respect a patient’s privacy unless we have a legal need to echo. Finally, we need to coach patients and their relatives about illnesses, management, and good conduct to enhance consequences. I feel that there will be quality patient care globally through my philosophy.

Nursing philosophy is founded on the ‘what, why, and how’ of nursing about individuals, following their ideas and values regarding nursing practice. Nursing is concerned with patient necessities, healing, protection, and enablement. Because my standards tie the driving philosophies fundamental to the central of nursing, I trust my individual and specialized perspectives are consistent. The abilities that make a decent nurse cannot be twisted off at the end of the movie but are the portion of me as an individual, and I bring them with me

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