“Nursing Practice and Healthcare Delivery Model Revision”

“Nursing Practice and Healthcare Delivery Model Revision”

With the current laws and regulations governing the U.S healthcare system, insurance companies have been benefiting while patients have been receiving substandard services from various institutions. It is important to note that these kind of inefficiencies have resulted in the wastage of resources yet citizens are not getting quality treatment. The U.S. healthcare system has faced ongoing political debate. Reforms have been enacted in recent years, including the Affordable Care Act (ACA), to improve quality, accessibility, and affordability. The ACA addresses critical issues, requires insurance coverage for all, and creates marketplaces for consumers to compare and buy policies (U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2022”). This has increased access to health insurance and quality healthcare services for many individuals and families.
Current Healthcare Law
In 2010, the government passed the “Affordable Care Act”, also known as “Obamacare”, which has significantly affected the medical field. The ACA’s primary objectives were to expand access to health insurance, enhance healthcare quality, and lower healthcare costs. Because of this legislation, a more significant number of individuals have access to essential healthcare services such as preventive and primary care. The ACA also instituted various measures to enhance patient safety, such as mandatory use of “electronic health records” (EHRs) and participation in value-based purchasing programs, which have helped to improve the overall quality of care delivered to patients “(U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2022”). Moreover, ACA has created opportunities for nurses to play a more active role in patient care and decision-making, contributing to a more collaborative and effective healthcare system.
Nurses have a key role in implementing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates. Their job is to provide high-quality patient care, which has become difficult due to the ACA. Nurses must provide the right care at the right time and protect patient information. The ACA will resolve the nursing shortage problem in the country. The act improves access to patient data and health information, allowing nurses to provide better care. The ACA also causes an increase in patients seeking care, and nurses must be prepared to handle the increased demand (U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2022). With their skills and experience, nurses are capable of providing excellent care to every patient.
Quality measures and pay for performance are two crucial changes introduced by the Affordable Care Act to improve healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. It is important to note that quality measures play a significant role in identifying weaknesses and prioritizing opportunities that exist in healthcare. At the same time, these measures identify what works and what does not work to craft improvement process. According to Cherry & Jacob (2021), quality meas

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