Nursing Research: Data Analysis

Nursing Research: Data Analysis


Subject: Nursing
Pages: 1
Words: 287
Reading time:

2 min

Study level: Bachelor

This course offered opportunities to learn about descriptive, inferential, and qualitative data analysis, including their similarities and differences. Descriptive analysis serves to present information about a fully measured population in a structured, categorized, and accessible form (Nieswiadomy & Bailey, 2018). Inferential analysis uses the data from a randomized sample to draw conclusions about the entire population, usually to estimate population parameters and test hypotheses (Nieswiadomy & Bailey, 2018). Qualitative analysis, as follows from the name, works with more subjective and less quantifiable data to identify themes in highly personalized sources. An important and interesting difference between the first two and the latter is that, in descriptive and inferential analysis, relevant parameters are identified before starting data fathering (Nieswiadomy & Bailey, 2018). In contrast, in qualitative analysis, relevant categories only emerge after the data gathering and during the analysis itself. In any case, data analysis is crucial for discovering credible findings in nursing because data can only be conducive to achieving health goals if the researchers interpret it correctly.

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