2 Nursing Theory Personal Theory Paper Based for any tradition and generation from across the globe, nursing has different meanings. In my view, nursing is characterized as a healthcare specialty that focuses on the treatment of patients, their societies, families, and to accomplish an overarching purpose of life- long relative health and quality of life may describe the metaparadigm principles (, Environment, Nursing, Person, Health) of nursing from this worldview and build my own nursing philosophy that addresses nursing issues and further helps me to determine what values I have that will help accomplish that philosophy. However, May today hold a conservative ideology or their own worldview, which is in contrast with reality. Because the hospitals run by the hospitals, nurses were treated as servants, not officials (Hoeck, & Delmar, 2018). There was a male dominating mentality that women filled the lowest job in the family and also the lowest nursing servant position. It was also shown that nursing was a feminine profession. Therefore, women assumed that there was a coherence between women's social standards and nursing. When people were reliant on their families, nursing was seen as a woman's work. The preferred collection of principles and tools for analyzing and assessing a concept or nursing philosophy is my metaparadigm description. A metaparadigm aims to describe the relationship between the variables that lead to a hypothesis, the aims of the nursing profession, and to form nursing practice. A metaparadigm, or dominant paradigm, provides a general orientation that carries the scientists' commitment and agreement of a specific discipline. Nursing scientists will promote this method by becoming well educated in a substantive sector and regularly engaged in theoretical construction and study. A metaparadigm, therefore, reflects, in its broadest context, the worldview of a discipline. There are four core concepts in the metaparadigm of nursing that are all interrelated but have separate meanings;

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