Pedagogical Theories and Practices Helps in Motivating Students to Improve the Learning Experiences

Pedagogical Theories and Practices Helps in Motivating Students to Improve the Learning Experiences




These theories and practices help in determining how teachers tackle student motivational matters in their learning experiences. Misapplication of pedagogical approaches in enhancing student motivational issues may undermine the entire process of learner motivation. Brennen defines motivation as “the level of an effort an individual is willing to expend towards the attainment of a specific goal”. According to McDevitt, “motivation energizes, directs and sustains behaviour and can either be intrinsic or extrinsic” 17. Motivational theories are behavioural, cognitive, humanistic, and biological.

Behavioural motivational theories are based on the contributions of operant learning theories of B.F Skinner. These theories explain the processes of enhancing the desired behaviour by applying either positive reinforcements or avoidance of negative stimuli as extrinsic forms of motivation. Cognitive motivation views “stress the activation of cognitive disequilibrium as a means to motivate students to learn new concepts” 18. Students are directed to behave in a manner that rediscovers equilibrium due to this state of cognitive dissonance. The cognitive theory puts more attention to intrinsic motivation and establishes circumstances where learners are stimulated to establish answers. Humanistic motivational views on the other hand, are based Maslow’s contributions on “motivation and personality”. It seeks to explain how learners endeavour to achieve five different levels of hierarchical needs. Maslow theory contends that if learners have their basic physical and safety requirements fulfilled, their needs of belongingness, self esteem, and self actualization will intrinsically improve their learning experiences19. According to achievement motivational theory, most individuals strive to attain goals they aspire to attain. On the other hand, “low achievers tend to attribute failure to lack of ability and success to luck. Biological motivational view postulates that “neutral activity in the brain guides individuals towards or away from particular outcomes and these synaptic events influence behavioural outcomes”20.

Pedagogical theories and practices assist educators in higher education to adjust their teaching methods and philosophies to conform to the actively changing demographics from that of high school seniors to one of non-traditional students. The theories and practices encourage higher education to create an environment in which non-traditional students can enhance their learning. It maintains an environment where student and teacher dynamics are considered and implemented carefully. The underlying theories and practices of pedagogy at different levels of education, determine the type of learning experiences that learners meet in the classroom21.

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