Peer Mentoring Programs Policy Proposal to Address Ineffective Teenage Pregnancies Education in Florida

Peer Mentoring Programs Policy Proposal to Address Ineffective Teenage Pregnancies Education in Florida


As already identified above, the abstinence-only sex education programs offered in Florida schools have been criticized for being ineffective and unscientific when it comes to changing sexual behavior and consequently reducing pregnancies among teens. Undoubtedly, Florida should allow counties to adopt the comprehensive sex-education curricula which present abstinence as one of the ways of preventing pregnancies but also embrace the role of contraception in preventing pregnancies meaning sex education is incorporated. As a result, one of the policy proposals that can be implemented to help counter high teen pregnancies and births in Florida is the development of peer mentor programs in all schools in the county to help educate teens about pregnancy and safe sex measures. The peer mentorship programs will help mitigate the challenges of comprehensive education which only permits the discussion of abstinence but discourages the discussion of sex education in classrooms.

Effects of Peer Mentoring Programs in Schools on Teen Births

The development of peer mentorship programs in schools is beneficial since they capitalize on the assets and strengths of the mentor for the development of the teens who are then enlightened about how to positively engage with others for sustainable sex practices. For the peer mentorship program proposed in this case, 5 key indicators shall be used to assess their effectiveness in schools: confidence, competence, connection, compassion, and character. Moreover, the formation of peer mentorship programs will lead to reduced teen pregnancies and births in schools since through the formation of long-term relationships that are beneficial to both the mentors and mentees, the latter feels that they are not alone while navigating through their adolescence challenges (Zavodny, 2020). Additionally, due to merits like increased self-confidence and self-esteem, enhanced interpersonal skills, better lifestyle choices, and the ability to make sustainable decisions regarding sexual activities, the pregnancy rates among teenagers significantly reduce leading to teen births. As if that is not enough, the use of mentors is the most effective approach since they help disseminate age-appropriate and culturally competent information to teens about the impacts of high-risk sexual behaviors like indulging in unprotected sex. Consequently, this opens room for honest discussions about the consumption of contraceptives and the techniques teens can employ to prevent pregnancies and STIs which would otherwise not be achieved in the classroom milieu (Nowell et al. 2017). Further, peer mentoring has the merit of teaching teens effective communication skills that are key in preventing social pressures that might also influence unhealthy sexual behaviors.

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