Personal Leadership Philosophies Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following: Defining My Leadership Philosophy- Principles and Practices Defining My Leadership Philosophy- Principles and Practices A description of your core values. A personal mission/vision statement. An analysis of your Clifton Strengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile A description of two key behaviours that you wish to strengthen. A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviours you selected and an explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal vision. Be specific and provide examples. Be sure to incorporate your colleagues’ feedback on your Clifton Strengths Assessment from this Module’s Discussion 2. Note: Be sure to atta

Personal Leadership Philosophies Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following: Defining My Leadership Philosophy- Principles and Practices Defining My Leadership Philosophy- Principles and Practices A description of your core values. A personal mission/vision statement. An analysis of your Clifton Strengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile A description of two key behaviours that you wish to strengthen. A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviours you selected and an explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal vision. Be specific and provide examples. Be sure to incorporate your colleagues’ feedback on your Clifton Strengths Assessment from this Module’s Discussion 2. Note: Be sure to atta

Defining My Leadership Philosophy- Principles and Practices

My Core Values

One of my core values is commitment. This value is portrayed in my determination to see things through, including the alignment and realignment of variables, until I ensure that they are arranged in the most productive way possible. My second value is responsibility. I feel emotionally bound to what I commit to, and I am willing to volunteer and maintain good relations with those around me to ensure that a shared goal is met. My third value is good stewardship. I focus on setting a clear and promising direction for those looking up to me and inspiring them to meet a shared goal due to my constant need for achievement. I also leverage my focus to get people on the right track and set goals to guide everyone on their actions.

Personal Mission/Vision Statement

My mission is to initiate ideas that improve nursing care and professionalism and guide my team in implementing the ideas to achieve long-term quality care for all my patients.


One of my strengths, based on the Clifton Strengths Assessment, is focus. The assessment indicated that I always want to establish a sense of direction and always be aware of where I am headed. I regularly set goals to guide me towards where I want to be and help me determine priorities and make the necessary adjustments to get back on track. I also take my time to filter by comprehensively evaluating whether or not a specific action will help me move forward toward my goal or not. I am also efficient in doing what I must do to achieve my goal. The second strength is responsibility. I take psychological ownership of what I commit to, and I feel emotionally bound to follow it until it is completed. I also mainly focus on maintaining a good reputation and not accepting rationalizations and excuses.

The third strength is being an arranger. When faced with complex situations involving a wide range of factors, I enjoy managing all variables and arranging them until I am sure they are arranged in the most productive pattern possible. I also emphasize devising new options whenever there is confusion, looking for new paths with the least resistance, and forming new partnerships. The fourth strength is being an achiever. I constantly need achievement and ensure that I achieve something every day. I also tend to do more and exceed my expectations, and I may work for a long without burning out. The fifth strength is positivity. I always focus on the good in every situation and celebrate every achievement, creating a friendly environment for those around me.

A Description of Two Key Behaviors That I Wish To Strengthen

I wish to strengthen my focus to be a better leader for those who may rely on me to give them a sense of direction towards achieving shared goals. Strengthening my focus will also bring me closer to my dream of becoming a visionary leader who can transform nursing leadership and create positive change in patient care. According to Roy & Perkins (2017), a visionary leader mobilizes followers or teams to work toward their vision, and they require the guidance of organization and structure. I can use my focus to create a vision of a better environment for patients and healthcare providers and guide my team in implementing the ideas suggested to meet this vision. Focus will also improve my transformational leadership capabilities because focus cultivates emotional intelligence, according to Ha-Vikstrom (2017). Subsequently, emotional intelligence is important in nursing leadership because it helps nurse leaders understand how to leverage emotions to effect change in the hospital communities and staff (Toivanen, 2010). Therefore, focus will help me enhance my career growth prospects in nursing leadership.

I also wish to strengthen my responsibility to be a good transformational leader. According to Marshall (2010), transformational leadership is the main leadership style used in nursing leadership. Responsibility will help me motivate my followers by appealing to moral values and better ideas by having a deep set of internal ideas and values. I can also use my values to set a good example for my followers, thus inspiring my followers to perform beyond the organization’s expectations.

Development Plan

I plan to improve upon my focus and sense of responsibility by setting more challenging goals and milestones to track my progress towards achieving them. The challenging goals I will set include implementing a complex, innovative idea within a short time with limited resources. I will also set rewards for every goal to motivate me to accomplish them. Rewards will include vacations, visiting a nice restaurant, or travelling to a new destination. The challenging goals and rewards wil

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