Personal Nursing Leadership Philosophies NURS 6053 Essay Assignment Personal Leadership Philosophies

Personal Nursing Leadership Philosophies NURS 6053 Essay Assignment Personal Leadership Philosophies


Leadership is essential in healthcare. A leader is one who serves to benefit the people they lead (American Nurses Association, 2016). A leader is always eager to invest time and resources into learning the needs of the people, identifying the best ways to meet those needs, and devising action and steps that incorporate the human and material resources available to them (Soh, 2017). Being a nursing leader is characterized by various traits and values, some of which are related to personality traits, learned, or adapted over time (Dodson, 2017). Being a great example to a team is the most exceptional value a leader can have (Marshall & Broome, 2017). A good leader also inspires and motivates others, and is guided by principles (Marshall & Broome, 2017). The purpose of this paper is to identify and address leadership philosophies for a good leader. The paper will also identify my core value, personal vision and strengths to improve on Personal Nursing Leadership Philosophies NURS 6053 Essay Assignment

Description of Core Values

An effective leader embodies admirable traits, some of which are integrity, transparency, communication, humility. A leader without the trust of the people cannot achieve shared goals. Trust is earned when people believe in the integrity of the leader (Gallup, 2018). This means that a true sense of justice drives the behavior and actions of the leader. It also means that all decisions are made solely for the benefit of the group and cannot be swayed by bias, prejudice, or bribe. This is the most important attribute of any leader in any setting. Integrity begets transparency (Marshall & Broome, 2017). Everyone appreciates a sense of belonging and control. A leader must involve those they lead in the decisions that affect them (Marshall & Broome, 2017). communication is the pivot that bears the weight of the relationship between the leader and the people (Meinert, 2019). A leader facilitates not dictate; however, conflicts can arise from simple miscommunication. Hence a leader must have the skills necessary to convey a message to the people effectively. Personal Nursing Leadership Philosophies NURS 6053 Essay Assignment They must also be able to receive and understand the feedback provided by followers (Henderson, 2015).


Personal Mission Statement

It is my mission to apply the skills and abilities I possess as a healthcare professional to facilitate the reformation of healthcare in my community. Also, to lead other caregivers to understand and work towards a better standard of care delivery for patients and caregivers. Thus, my vision is “to provide excellent, compassionate, and culturally competent care to my community while promoting physical and mental wellness.” Personal Nursing Leadership Philosophies NURS 6053 Essay Assignment

Analysis of Clifton Strengths Assessment

The Clifton Strengths Signature Theme Report describes me as a focused, strategic, relator, achiever, and learner (Gallup, 2018). this evaluation of my behavior is sufficiently accurate. Focus helps me evaluate priorities and separate immediate needs from wants. It helps streamline goals both in the short term and long term, which is crucial for consistency and longevity (Gallup, 2018). According to Amir (2019), knowing exactly where to apply oneself prevents rapid burnout that can result from undertaking too many tasks at any given time, This ensures the maximizing of available resources for the task at hand (Gallup, 2018). The strategy also works in tandem with focus. Once an immediate determine priority is determined, it becomes a goal, and I begin to strategize the steps required to achieve that goal Personal Nursing Leadership Philosophies NURS 6053 Essay Assignment. Too many focal points and concurrent routes make it difficult to extrapolate an effective strategy. The Relator theme speaks more to my attributes in relation to others. Healthcare has evolved into team-based care delivery (, 2018). Therefore, adopting good communicating skills promotes effectiveness both as a leader or as a teammate.

Development Plan in Improving Selected Key Behaviors to Achieve Personal Vision

Developing an astute plan is integral in the process of leadership and facilitates success in the achievement of goals. I would like to strengthen my ability to communicate with others who are socio-culturally different from me, especially patients. According to the American College of Healthcare Executives (2020), racial diversity is notable in healthcare. As a nurse, communication with coworkers and other caregivers is paramount for delivering the best possible care (Meinert, 2019). Therefor

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