PHI FPX 3200 Assessment 1 Matrix of Ethical Theories

PHI FPX 3200 Assessment 1 Matrix of Ethical Theories



Ethical Theory Matrix



Decision Criteria

Your Own Example





Decisions are made solely on the basis of their consequences. All actions are right as long as it promotes happiness.

It is ok to ‘sugar coat’ the truth as long as it makes people happy. ie: being dishonest about a terminal diagnosis as long as it makes the patient feel better.

This theory is based on happiness. Everyone will like you if you can make them happy and keep them happy.

This theory is based on happiness but happiness can be temporary if you have to lie to keep people happy.

Kantian Ethics


The moral character of an action depends on the principle behind it not on the consequences of it. 

It is never ok to lie! Always being honest no matter the consequences. Ie: telling a patient that their disease is not curable or that they are dying.

You will gain the respect of some by always being honest, sometime brutally honest.

People’s feelings can get hurt when they are told the truth. Some relationships can be broken if they are hurt by the truth.

Ross’s Ethics


Duties of beneficence, self-improvement and justice could be subsumed under a single duty to promote intrinsic values 

Always tell the truth..unless the situation tells you different. ‘playing along’ assessing the situation before acting.

You will be making good decisions because you are assessing the situation first, ie: ‘not stepping on toes’ smoothing things over

not always being honest, ie: bending the truth when the situation did not feel right

Natural Law Ethics


Human beings possess intrinsic values that guide their behaviors. Right/wrong are inherent in people

Assuming that nature has a purpose. Ie: not correcting or guiding children to make right choices because we believe they will instinctively know.

Giving people room to grow and make their own choices. Believing in the good in everyone.

As humans we can make the wrong decisions at times and will have to deal with the consequences but could have make the right choice with guidance 

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