PHI FPX 3200 Assessment 3 Should We Withhold Life Support? The Mr. Martinez Case

PHI FPX 3200 Assessment 3 Should We Withhold Life Support? The Mr. Martinez Case


Every individual has the right to choose the type of healthcare that best suits them and to refuse medical intervention. This can be challenging for healthcare providers, who are trained to do everything possible to save lives and care for those in need. Sometimes, the most compassionate action a healthcare provider can take is to respect a patient’s wishes regarding the withholding of extraordinary measures and life support. If an advance directive is in place, honoring that wish is paramount. While I believe that patients should have the right to refuse care, I also hold that life is sacred. Mr. Martinez’s advance directive clearly outlines his preferences should his health decline. Ultimately, the decision rests with the patient, and Mr. Martinez has exercised his right to make that choice.


Gedge, L., Gianomini, A., & Cook, D. (2007). Ethical considerations in end-of-life care. Journal of Medical Ethics, 33(5), 290-294.


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