Philosophy of Education for a Special Education Teacher

Philosophy of Education for a Special Education Teacher




Every child deserves a right to receive adequate knowledge without any discrimination. Children with special needs are not an exception. These clusters of students are characterized with learning disabilities that hinder them from receiving normal education like other students. Special education not only helps the students to positively accept their disabilities but also serve to boost their self esteem (Yerman, 2001).

As the saying goes, ‘disability is not inability’, children with special needs should therefore receive adequate knowledge using the right tools and appropriate mode of teaching. As a special education teacher, I have always possessed an inward compassion for my students that drives me towards their motivation. This, I achieve by ensuring that the students with special needs do not lag behind in class. The philosophy of education therefore discusses my beliefs and values to ensure quality administration of knowledge to such students.

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Personal Beliefs

As a special education teacher, I hold a strong belief that all children should be treated equally regardless of their background, race, economic background or disabilities. This mean that they are all entitled to education and should be actively involved in major decision-making. The curriculum needs to consider the nature or severity level of the student’s disability to ensure academic growth (Duffy and Forgan, 2005).

However, regardless of the disability level a student is classified in, they all have equal rights to read and should not be shunned away. One of my key roles therefore is to ensure that these students are not discriminated against. This can be achieved by giving them special personal care and creating an educational plan that entails my guiding principles towards achieving the set goals. It is also my belief that the parents, school administration and fellow students play a key role in helping to mould such students.

This they can only achieve by treating them as humans and involving them in any decision-making. In most instances, students with special needs have a strong urge to learn. This has been established by monitoring close progress in their participation in class. They possess and inner wisdom that the special education teacher help in exposing it. It is my belief that this children are able to learn through participation in class activities. This helps to create a learning balance to cater for special needs among the students in class.

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