PICO(T) Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach – Medication Administration Errors

PICO(T) Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach – Medication Administration Errors


Medication administration errors (MAEs) compromise patient safety, quality of care, and the patient and provider experiences. To address the issue of and the occurrence of MAEs, it is important that nurses utilize evidence from credible resources to develop practices that effectively prevent the risk of MAEs. The PICOT (Population/Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and sometimes Time) framework helps develop a clinical research question support to support evidence collection. This paper applies the PICOT framework to define MAEs and help identify credible resources of evidence to answer the question developed. The paper will also discuss the major findings from identified credible resources and define the relevance of these findings to understanding and preventing MAEs.

Definition of Medication Administration Errors via a PICO(T) Approach

Medication administration errors occurring among inpatient patients due to their associated risk of patients developing adverse drug events (ADEs) have been the most focused element of improving patient safety for the longest (MacDowell et al., 2021). However, MAEs remain an issue of concern in nursing care, mainly due to their frequency in hospitalized patients under nurse care. The major interventions include using a standard approach to communication, improving patient education, optimizing workflow, focusing on major causes, and using barcode medication administration (BCMA), among others(MacDowell et al., 2021). The use of standardized communication is selected as an intervention in this paper, while barcode medication administration (BCMA) is selected as a comparison to determine its effectiveness in 6 months. Notably, exploring this issue via the picot approach will be most helpful because it ensures the selection of the most suitable evidence to support the development of evidence-based interventions to prevent MAEs

For the PICOT question, the population is hospitalized patients at risk of MAEs. The intervention is standardized communication in nursing, while the comparison intervention is the use of barcode medication administration (BCMA). The outcome is the reduction and prevention of MAEs, while the time for the effectiveness test is six months. Therefore, the developed PICOT question is: For hospitalized patients at risk of experiencing MAEs, is the use of standardized communication in nursing more effective than barcode medication administration (BCMA) in reducing and preventing MAEs in 6 months?

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