Positive or Negative Effects the Quality Issue Has on Nursing Practice

Positive or Negative Effects the Quality Issue Has on Nursing Practice


Nursing practice is impacted by the issue of interdepartmental communication in healthcare in both positive and negative ways. The coordination of patient care can be improved, errors can be decreased, and a more thorough approach to treatment can be promoted through greater communication between nurses and other healthcare workers. Efficient communication can also speed up access to vital patient data, enabling nurses to make well-informed choices (Rehman & Farrakh, 2023). Nevertheless, the consequences of inadequate communication might include delayed responses to patient requirements, elevated stress levels for nursing personnel, and a higher possibility of misunderstandings that could jeopardize patient safety. Notably, addressing this quality issue would positively impact nursing practice by fostering a more efficient and supportive environment, while neglecting it can lead to suboptimal patient outcomes and additional strain on nursing professionals.


The quality benchmark study explores the crucial topic of inter-departmental communication in healthcare, emphasizing its significant influence on patient safety and overall treatment quality. This essay has emphasized the significance of excellent communication among medical workers from various areas, the difficulties brought on by communication gaps, and the potential solutions. This study establishes the critical role communication plays in providing timely and high-quality healthcare services by looking at the importance of interdepartmental communication, reviewing the status of research, and looking at enhancement opportunities. The power bases and stakeholders necessary for encouraging a culture of open communication through the cooperation of healthcare professionals, management, regulatory authorities, technological improvements, and patient engagement have been emphasized. Despite the challenges and potential barriers that exist, addressing this issue holds the promise of improved patient outcomes, reduced errors, and enhanced teamwork, ultimately elevating the standard of care across healthcare settings.


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