Preliminary Care Coordination Plan NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 1 Attempt 1 Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators

Preliminary Care Coordination Plan NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 1 Attempt 1 Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators


In the realm of medicine, the patient’s care is always given the topmost priority. After the diagnosis of the medical calamity, the focus of healthcare professionals is centered on two things; treatment and care of patients. Extensive research and evidence based treatment plans are put into action for the immediate cure and therapy, but in order to maintain controlled and constructive long term results, a care coordination plan needs to be implemented to cater for the care and for all the scenarios related to the care of the patient.

To provide the topmost care to the patients, patient-centered care reports are devised which are individualized according to the case study of each patient. But to move into the broader scope, a care coordination plan needs to be formulated which stands as the foundation for the individualized patient-centered care report. A care coordination plan crafts out a coordination scheme for all the healthcare personnel associated with the care of the patient diagnosed with a certain health concern. This plan organizes and plans the activities of all the healthcare professionals in order to ensure the effective care and treatment of the patient. 

An effectual preliminary care coordination plan covers all the physical, psychological, and cultural restrictions connected with the health concern. The care coordination plan devised in this paper is based on the uprising issue of Gestational Diabetes. According to research, Gestational Diabetes targets approximately 6% of pregnant women every year and this number is drastically incrementing (Elsevier, 2017). Gestational Diabetes is developed during the third trimester of pregnancy and if proper care is not induced in the patient, then after the birth of the child, or sometimes before, the patient becomes a subject of the lethal Type II Diabetes. This paper will focus on all the cultural, psychological, and physical implications associated with Gestational Diabetes and will present a care coordination plan that aims at beneficial care of the patient. 

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Analysis of Gestational Diabetes and Health Improvement Practices 

Gestational Diabetes occurs due to a metabolic abnormality which is resulted because of an increase in the blood sugar level (Johns, 2018). This high blood sugar level may be due to multiple reasons including obesity, older age pregnancy, miscarriages in the past, and occurring Type I Diabetes in the patient. Gestational Diabetes can imply tons of physical changes in the patient. Some of the common variations which are observed in women suffering from Gestational Diabetes include extreme weight loss in the mother. As a result, women who develop Gestational Diabetes in pregnancy tend to have larger babies, usually 9 pounds or above, and may also have premature deliveries. 

In terms of the psychological and cultural implications which arise from Gestational Diabetes in women, multiple aspects are considered. Women with Gestational Diabetes tend to have increased liver metabolism and an unbalance hormonal level which may lead to psychological complexities such as stress induction, anxiety issues, and disturbed sleeping patterns. In terms of cultural implications, women with Gestational Diabetes are targeted in certain ethnic groups for the introduction of diabetes in the family tree. 

Although no definite cure for Gestational Diabetes is present so far, precautionary measures can substantially mitigate the adverse effects generated from this health condition. The health improvement practices which are already in the application include excessive physical activity and maintaining a certain weight limit before getting pregnant. For women with cases of older age pregnancy, a balanced diet acts as the key to regulating Gestational Diabetes. In worst-case scenarios, insulin injections and medications may be utilized to normalize blood sugar levels. Other health improvement practices in use include digesting 3 meals a day, substituting sugary intake, exercise, and intake of minerals and vitamins. 

Specific Goals to be Established for Care of Gestational Diabetes Patients 

Gestational Diabetes may not be curable, but it is preventable and can be regulated. It has been in existence since the early 1900s and precautionary measures can be adopted to restrict its development into Type II Diabetes. Certain goals and objectives need to be established as a part of the care coordination plan to ensure the timely treatment and care of the Gestational Diabetes patients. Some of the goals which need to be established for the care plan are given below:

  • Regularly monitor the blood sugar levels, in fas

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