Pressure on Teens to Attend College: Synthesis Essay

Pressure on Teens to Attend College: Synthesis Essay



Twelve percent of high school graduates never attend or even enroll in a college or university. That is not a very monumental percentage, but it is the result of too much pressure placed on high school students' shoulders to go to college. Some students, when they graduate from high school, decide not to attend college because they have found a job that they are getting paid well for, or they want to go into the trades. Some reasons why high school students and graduates feel it is not worth it to attend college are, that they do not find the right fit for them, it is too expensive and they do not want any student loans, or they know that having a college degree does not help in career paths as much anymore.

There are over five thousand colleges in the United States, and they all are very different from one another. One could spend days or months trying to find the right fit for them, but for some people, there will never be a perfect fit. Some colleges might have the perfect on-campus vibe but do not offer the subject they want to major in, and others might be the complete opposite. Most of the time, students have to pick one or the other, but some students do not want to pick one and just give up the search. It is not everyone’s dream to sit in a classroom, listening to a teacher's lecture, keeping track of all of their assignments and homework while keeping jobs to be able to take out loans to pay for the sometimes worthless education that they are getting. The majority of young adults never end up using their degree when they graduate and get an adult job.

College is very expensive. Over half of college students will graduate with large student loans. Most of these college graduates will still be paying off student loan debt until their mid-forties. This will set many people back and

Twelve percent of high school graduates never attend or even enroll in a college or university. That is not a very monumental percentage, but it is the result of too much pressure placed on high school students' shoulders to go to college. Some students, when they graduate from high school, decide not to attend college because they have found a job that they are getting paid well for, or they want to go into the trades. Some reasons why high school students and graduates feel it is not worth it to attend college are, that they do not find the right fit for them, it is too expensive and they do not want any student loans, or they know that having a college degree does not help in career paths as much anymore.

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