Professional Portfolio Professional Mission Statement

Professional Portfolio Professional Mission Statement


To promote the treatment and health of all patients within my area of care to the best of my abilities, without any form of discrimination, to treat each patient equally and to always ensure that I have a conscience  and be considerate to all of my patients and their wellbeing. To always uphold the professional needs of my co-workers and partner to the equal standards.

A.    Professional Summary

As a nurse I began my professional career after getting inspiration from being my uncle’s caregiver. During this time I was able to become very proficient with different skills which I developed a good working relationship with some of the nurses that came in to visit my uncle.  I was then inspired to attend a nursing school which I enrolled to university in 2015. After going through the intense program and clinical attachment, I was able to receive my ASN which enabled me to become a registered nurse. During my clinical also I have been able to get first-hand experience with the operation room and decided to pursue as a nursing in circulating. I also took my first job which was in the delivery room and began my nursing career in 2016. It was during this time that I was able to gain a lot of experience on the issue of trauma and also got my certification in trauma counselling. After working as a nurse in charge in the delivery area, I decided that I would go on with my education and pursue an associate of operating nurse certification, I was able to the BSN in Nursing, where I also switched different careers and a now a registered nurse and in charge of community hospital in my home area.  I have also been able to do several papers of which some represent the passion that I hold as being a nurse.

The tasks I did are part of my evidence based practices which represent me well as a nurse and a learner.  As a learner, I was able to conduct studies and evaluated the health needs of my community so as to ensure that there is a proper understanding on how the health systems operated and I was able to also learn the best way in which to apply my knowledge in nursing to improve the different systems.  As a healthcare professionals, I was able to apply different theories and my knowledge in coming up with various care plans, implement and evaluate the community hospital and the use of gained information in my papers.

As part of my professional competencies have been expressed in my role as the charge registered nurse. When I began my nursing profession,  I always felt excited regarding  the operation room and  I thought that this is going to be my calling, however, soon I came to realize that I needed to have a solid ground in ensuring the growth of my knowledge as a nurse. In this line I was able to find that in the home and the health nursing, my evidence based practice and other community projects that I did were very instrumental in lifting up my professional strengths. I have come to realize that as a nurse I am community driven, and I am able to thrive in the one on one environments in nursing care, I also feel that I have a lot of opportunities to grow as a nurse and improve the systems that can better be used to support patients under my care.

During the progression of my program I was also faced with a couple of challenge toward the completion of my course. Some of these challenges were community health study related while others were personal.  In respect to my personal challenges it included having to move from one state to my current place of residence, the other included a career change from the emergency theatre to the delivery theatre, having go buy a new home and having to relocate my spouse to live with me. Among the challenges that I encountered in my study were those that I faced daily during my practice as I tried to balance social and professional life. The biggest one was time management especially when most of my personal issues can into place. Even thought it was important to attend all classes, at times family would interrupt my class schedules and I had to re-organize myself, in some special cases, I had to accept the needs of my family before the needs of work, however, this was not the case when I am dealing with people in the study, my tutors were very understanding to the extent that they have assisted me in applying for some scholarship which I would use in my final semester thus helping me complete my goals.  These challenges were overcome by putting more reliance on my spouse, friend and mentors (Locsin, 2002). I have also made honestly to be my top policy and share challenges and achievements which helped me a lot.

In respect to the nine outcomes the following were met:

  • Effective Communication – my communication skills have drastically improved and I now speak to my fellow

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