Promoting Safety and Quality Impact of TJC and CMS Standards on Health Care Quality

Promoting Safety and Quality Impact of TJC and CMS Standards on Health Care Quality


The healthcare sector comprises multiple entities that work together to deliver high-quality healthcare services to the vast majority. The healthcare sector comprises different entities that have to work together in order to deliver high-quality care that majors on patient safety (Thornlow & Merwin, 2009). The standards from TJC and CMS are essential in the healthcare setting as they help in the creation of policies that would help the nurses and any other medical professional from making Never Events (Thornlow & Merwin, 2009). The role of the healthcare setting is to improve patient care and ensure they recover on time. However, in-hospital mistakes can undermine these attempts making it a challenge for the patient. The concept of Never Events addresses the different serious incidents occurring in the healthcare sector but are easily and entirely preventable through provided safety recommendations and guidance.

Through the Never Events guidelines, there have been numerous emphases on issues such as quality of care, clinical care outcomes, and patient safety (Thornlow & Merwin, 2009). The safety recommendations advocate how medical professionals need to work together to ensure that the required quality of care is attained. The healthcare sector has also focused on ensuring the creation of measures that would help prevent issues that might undermine patient safety (Thornlow & Merwin, 2009). These interventions are in line with the guidelines by the TJC and CMS regarding the prevention of Never Events.

Impact of Nurse in Clinical Outcomes

Nurses play a crucial role in the attainment of proper outcomes in organizations. A nurse spends a high amount of time with patients and can be essential in understanding patient needs (Woo et al., 2017). The nurse also acts as a link between the patient and the organization, making them ideal for advocating for the needs of the patient. The role of a nurse as an advocate for the patient’s needs can help improve the performance of the patient (Woo et al., 2017). Through these roles and interventions, nurses have the capacity to impact the clinical outcomes in their organization.

Challenges in Influencing Change

Quality improvement requires that change is implemented within an organization. There are various challenges that nurses can encounter when dealing with change. One of the challenges is the limited scope of practice that makes nurses practice to a certain degree. These limitations prohibit certain functions for nurses (Smith, 2018). The other challenges include resistance from stakeholders and a lack of support from other professions. These barriers have a negative influence on the ability of the organization the achievement of its strategic agenda as it prevents quality improvement from the nurses. Similarly, the nurses cannot be able to practice to the best of their education, which undermines their potential.


Smith, J. G. (2018). The nurse work environment: Current and future challenges. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research23(1), e12126.

Thornlow, D. K., & Merwin, E. (2009). Managing to improve quality: the relationship between accreditation standards, safety practices, and patient outcomes. Health care management review34(3), 262-272.

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