Protocols to Mitigate Identified Data and Security Breach Vulnerabilities

Protocols to Mitigate Identified Data and Security Breach Vulnerabilities


Several different preventative measures are available in the event of a data breach. According to the article “13 Ways to Prevent Data Breaches in Healthcare,” various methods are available to prevent data breaches. The document recommends that businesses do risk assessments to determine where their current security weaknesses lie. An annual security risk assessment is something that HIPAA requires all providers to perform in order to identify potential vulnerabilities and review existing policies. If a firm experiences a data breach or some other kind of problem, having an incident response strategy can prevent the situation from worsening. This plan should clearly and concisely outline the critical decisions and actions. Ongoing education opportunities should be made available to staff members. When it comes to safety, knowledge and training are necessary.

However, research conducted by the security company Kaspersky indicated that just 48% of healthcare professionals in the United States had read their organizations’ cybersecurity policy and that 64% of healthcare workers were unaware of the procedures for cybersecurity(Simonsen & Hertzum, 2023). Only one-third of healthcare workers could define HIPAA, and nearly half of all respondents stated that they had never received training in cybersecurity. As a result, you need to ensure that the members of your staff have a solid understanding of the consequences of a breach of healthcare data and the many categories of data breaches. In addition, people need to be aware of the safeguards and responses that can be taken in the event of a risk. 13 different methods to prevent data leaks in the healthcare industry Unnamed or unknown demigods (n.d.). Increasing expenditure on security, establishing subnetworks, using less-dated information technology equipment, encrypting data, and appropriately deleting sensitive data are some of the additional security techniques mentioned in the study.


Users of EHR systems need to be instructed on how to protect themselves against phishing scams. When attackers want to improve the likelihood that a user would open an email, they frequently pose as a firm member. Suppose the cybercriminal pretends as an employee who possesses easily recognizable credentials. Ransomware is a type of malware crucial in enterprises when personnel do not have access to the system. They are required to present the item that was stated in order to regain entry. Hackers infiltrate electronic health record systems with malware by using blind spot encryption. Blind spot encryption is used by the system since there is a possibility that it will be confused with a regular business encryption system. Monitoring encrypted communication to discover potential weak spots and encryption traffic enables enterprises to protect data transfers.


Aldawood, H., & Skinner, G. (2019). Reviewing cyber security social engineering training and awareness programs—Pitfalls and ongoing issues. Future Internet, 11(3), 73.

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