PSY FPX 5140 Assessment 1 Needs Assessment Document: OutReach Community Program Name Capella university PSY FPX 5140 Program Evaluation Needs Analysis Needs Assessment Document: OutReach Community Program

PSY FPX 5140 Assessment 1 Needs Assessment Document: OutReach Community Program Name Capella university PSY FPX 5140 Program Evaluation Needs Analysis Needs Assessment Document: OutReach Community Program


This paper presents a proposal for a needs assessment of the OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center, serving Dane County, Wisconsin. Conducting a needs assessment is imperative for identifying potential gaps hindering the organization from achieving its objectives. This document outlines the participant stakeholders, suggests evaluation procedures, provides a cost/benefit analysis, and addresses ethical considerations. Program Stakeholders and Outcomes The OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to promoting equity and enhancing the quality of life for LGBTQ+ individuals (OutReach, n.d.). They offer community-building resources, health and human services, and advocate for social justice. Programs range from HIV prevention to domestic violence support, with partnerships established with local and federal nonprofit groups such as Diverse & Resilient and NAMI. Primary stakeholders include service recipients, staff, volunteers, donors, sponsors, and the board of directors. Successful outcomes are measured by service utilization, advocacy achievements, and community support. Program Procedures A logic model is proposed to analyze the OutReach program’s procedures, encompassing inputs (resources), activities, outputs, and outcomes (Royse et al., 2016). Inputs include financial and human resources, while activities involve event planning, counseling sessions, and advocacy efforts. Outputs encompass program materials and events, while outcomes relate to participants’ health and community engagement. Proposed Program Evaluation The evaluation aims to assess program promotion, alignment with mission values, and participant satisfaction. Evaluation points include self-promotion effectiveness, staff-board alignment, and perceived value of services. Findings will inform program enhancements and ensure alignment with stakeholder expectations. Cost/Benefit Analysis of Proposed Program Evaluation Financial data obtained from ProPublica (2021) indicates OutReach’s revenue sources, expenses, and program costs. Major expense categories include health services, outreach, senior advocacy, and HIV prevention. A comparison with similar organizations can provide insights into cost efficiency. Ethical Considerations Program evaluators must navigate potential conflicts of interest and ethical considerations. Strategies to mitigate risks include maintaining professional distance, ensuring data protection, and adhering to ethical guidelines outlined by the American Evaluation Association (2018) and the American Psychological Association (2017). Conclusion The OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center plays a vital role in promoting equality and providing essential services to the LGBTQ+ community in Dane County. Conducting a thorough evaluation will facilitate ongoing improvement and ensure the program’s continued success in meeting the needs of its stakeholders. References American Evaluation Association. (2018). Guiding principles. American Psychological Association. (2017). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct (2002, amended effective June 1, 2010, and January 1, 2017). PSY FPX 5140 Assessment 1 Needs Assessment Document: OutReach Community Program King, J. A., & Stevahn, L. A. (2014). Interactive evaluation practice: Mastering the interpersonal dynamics of program evaluation (1st ed.). SAGE Publications. OutReach. (n.d.). Home. OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center. Royse, D., Thyer, B. A., & Padgett, D. K. (2016). Program evaluation: An introduction to an evidence-based approach (6th ed.). Cengage. Appendix: Stakeholder Analysis The LGBTQ+ Community Center, as outlined by OutReach (n.d.), involves various stakeholders with distinct interests and expectations. This analysis categorizes stakeholders into four main groups, each with its own concerns and priorities. Recipients of Services Primarily comprising youth and adults within the LGBTQ+ community, this group expects timely, informative, and supportive services from the organization. Privacy and anonymity are critical considerations for these stakeholders, necessitating careful protection by the organization. Staff and Volunteers Responsible for administrative tasks, logistics, event planning, and fundraising, this group is dedicated to providing care to participants, planning events, and securing donations. Their focus lies in maintaining the organization’s functionality and ensuring quality service delivery. Donors and Sponsors Comprising businesses, corporations, governmental entities, and individual community donors, this group supports the organization financially. Their interest lies in the organization’s continued success and proper utilization of funds to fulfill its mission. Board of Di

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