PSY FPX 6830 Assessment 2 Interview and Summary Name Capella university PSY FPX 6830 Applied Sport Psychology

PSY FPX 6830 Assessment 2 Interview and Summary Name Capella university PSY FPX 6830 Applied Sport Psychology


Interview I initiated the interview by delving into some background information. It commenced with inquiries regarding the understanding of sport psychology. Often, when I mention my degree in sport psychology, individuals appear bewildered as they lack familiarity with the discipline. How do you, or would you, elucidate sport psychology to others? Subsequently, in your candid assessment, what is the primary objective of sport psychology? Do you perceive any prevailing challenges within this domain? Furthermore, reflecting from your initial foray into the field to the present, have you observed any evolution in sport psychology? In what aspects? Has your perspective undergone any transformation? Additionally, have you encountered any instances with athletes that reaffirmed your commitment to this profession? The subsequent segment of inquiries revolved around research and trends. The aim was to discern disparities between seasoned professionals and younger counterparts. Besides LinkedIn, do you employ any other technologies in your practice? Such as social media, texting, or email? If utilized in interventions, do they prove beneficial, and how so? Furthermore, despite technological advancements, have you encountered any research queries or issues that remained unresolved? Lastly, concerning research trends, are there specific areas within sport psychology that you deem particularly crucial compared to others? PSY FPX 6830 Assessment 2 Interview and Summary The ensuing set of questions pertained to coaching perspectives, diversity within populations, and ethical quandaries. For instance, considering your coaching roles in LI and Rochester, do you advocate for the universal implementation of certain interventions by all coaches? How would you characterize your approach toward working with diverse populations? Have you faced any ethical dilemmas while working with athletes? If yes, what were they? What distinguishes the most valuable tool in youth sports from elite-level sports? When confronted with ethical dilemmas, what is your initial approach to resolution? Furthermore, with the evolving landscape of LGBTQIA+ inclusivity, how has this impacted your practice? Lastly, have you encountered any ethical dilemmas involving diverse populations such as age, race, skill level, or culture? If so, how did you navigate them, and did they influence your approach to working with athletes? The concluding segment comprised rapid-fire questions aimed at eliciting concise responses. How can sport psychology and performance be enhanced? Is an advanced degree imperative for top executives in your field? What are the primary prerequisites for success in your profession? How can one obtain further insights into this industry? Outline Among the array of questions, those concerning LGBTQ issues, coaching perspectives, and utilization of social media platforms stood out due to their nuanced nature. Dr. Rich provided insights from both personal and professional perspectives, prompting me to seek additional information due to the dearth of available data in these domains. Of particular interest was the definition of sport psychology. Winter and Collins (2016) investigated the professional status of sport psychologists, highlighting the limitations inherent in defining the field. Dr. Rich echoed similar sentiments, underscoring the need for further research to articulate the essence of sport psychology to both professionals and the general populace. This newfound knowledge holds promise for refining my practice, potentially ushering in fresh perspectives on the profession. Limitations One aspect that caught my attention was Dr. Rich’s ethical decision-making process. While he couldn’t recall specific ethical dilemmas, his stance on LGBTQ issues showcased a dual perspective. From a practitioner standpoint, he advocated against discrimination, yet from a personal and coaching standpoint, he supported certain regulations. This ethical dichotomy mirrors findings by Sharp and Lodge (2013), who delineated essential components for cultivating effective sport psychology relationships. Despite the emphasis on trust and professional knowledge, Dr. Rich’s stance underscores the potential conflict between practitioner obligations and coaching priorities. Although the research highlights the significance of these components in fostering professional relationships, the divergence in decision-making between practitioners and coaches warrants further exploration. References Association for Applied Sport Psychology. (2022). Ethics code: AASP ethical principles and standards. Sharp, L., & Hodge, K. (2013). Effective sport psychology consulting relationships: Two coach case studies. The Sport Psychologist, 27(4), 313–324. PSY FPX 6830 Assessment 2 Interview and Summary Winter, S., & Collins, D. J. (2016). Applied sport psychology: A

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