PSYC 290 Week 1 Lifespan Paper on – No more Wine

PSYC 290 Week 1 Lifespan Paper on – No more Wine



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As Claudia’s nurse, my primary concern would be to inform her about the risks associated with consuming two glasses of wine each night. While moderate alcohol intake may have some potential reducing anxiety levels, the impact it can have on the unborn child is far more significant. Research, as cited by Shamrock, suggests that drinking just one or two servings of beer, wine, or one serving of hard liquor a few days a week can harm the fetus. Considering that this is Claudia’s first and likely only child, I understand that she would not have her baby or expose them to the risk of any syndromes or complications.

Claudia must understand that during pregnancy, any alcohol consumption poses a potential threat to the developing fetus. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) can cause various physical, behavioral, and cognitive abnormalities. As a responsible healthcare professional, I provide Claudia with accurate information and support her in making informed decisions and prioritizing her child’s health. I would strongly advise Claudia to abstain from alcohol throughout her pregnancy to ensure the best possible outcome for her baby’s well-being and development.

PSYC 290 Week 1 Lifespan Paper on – No more Wine

Additionally, I would provide Claudia with resources and support to help her maintain a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. This would include information on proper nutrition, regular exercise, stress management techniques, and prenatal care. By focusing on these positive habits and avoiding alcohol, Claudia can create a nurturing environment for her baby’s growth and development.

A Message to Claudia

Claudia, I cannot stress enough how crucial it is for you to stop drinking your two glasses of wine every night. Continuing this habit significantly increases the risk of your child developing fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). So for your baby’s health, consuming alcohol during this time can severely hinder their growth and development.

Studies have shown that most children with FASDs experience learning difficulties and have below-average intelligence (Khoury & Milligan, 2017). This is your first child, the child you love and wish to see grow and thrive. However, if you continue consuming wine regularly, you jeopardize their future. While it may temporarily alleviate your anxiety and help with your blood pressure, there are alternative methods for your baby’s health.

PSYC 290 Week 1 Lifespan Paper on – No more Wine

The consequences of drinking wine during pregnancy are not limited to the present. It can have lasting effects that make caring for a child with a disorder challenging. Imagine the devastation of your child not surviving the nine months or living a life filled with limitations that could have been avoided. Your family is not being overly strict or controlling; they simply want to see a little version of you and witness your happiness in bringing a healthy child into the world. Their advice is valuable, as drinking during pregnancy affects a child’s intelligence and hampers mental and physical growth.

It the crucial to reflect on your choices. The decisions you made? Working towards your child’s future is akin to working a job for two weeks without compensation. What was the point of getting pregnant if you knowingly decreased the chances of your child leading a fulfilling life? Moreover, as you grow older, it becomes increasingly challenging to conceive again if you were to lose this opportunity. Before reaching for that glass of wine.

PSYC 290 Week 1 Lifespan Paper on – No more Wine

Ultimately, Claudia, the decision rests with you. You have chosen to stop drinking now and focus on nurturing your baby’s growth by staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Alternatively, you can watch as your actions potentially harm something you have always wanted—a loving family. Many women who do not have children often experience loneliness and depression. Children bring joy and provide a sense of purpose every day. Imagine the heartbreak of witnessing your child, something that could have been prevented now.

I urge you to put yourself in your mother’s shoes when she was pregnant with you. Would you have wanted her to consume alcohol and risk mentally and physically damaging you? Empathy and self-reflection are critical. Not only should you stop drinkin

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