PSYC FPX 4300 Assessment 2 Off to the Intervention We go PSYC FPX 4300 Introduction to Addiction Treatment

PSYC FPX 4300 Assessment 2 Off to the Intervention We go PSYC FPX 4300 Introduction to Addiction Treatment


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Intervention: Michelle


The selected episode of Intervention features Michelle, an 18-year-old with a severe addiction to injecting crystal meth (Intervention, 2005). She injects multiple times daily to function, highlighting the depth of her dependency. Michelle’s addiction stems from a troubled childhood, including sexual abuse by cousins at ages 11 and 12, with one of them introducing her to meth. Following these traumatic events, Michelle experienced the loss of her father, leading to suicidal thoughts as she struggled to cope with her reality. Despite expressing a desire to quit for her grandfather, Michelle feels trapped by her addiction’s severity.

In this paper, I will explore and compare various perspectives on addiction in relation to Michelle’s case. I will assess whether Michelle meets the criteria for substance use disorder and examine the different stages of addiction, identifying the stage she appears to be in. Finally, I will evaluate the appropriateness of Michelle’s treatment and provide my assessment of its effectiveness for her situation.

Compare and Contrast Ideas of Addiction

Methamphetamine addiction is often associated with a range of symptoms, including its highly addictive nature when injected, the difficulty in quitting, visible injection sites, dental issues, and a jittery appearance that signals drug use. Additionally, the compulsive need for the next fix is often evident, with individuals willing to go to great lengths to obtain the drug (McKetin, 2008). Michelle exhibits all these symptoms, as depicted in the show, where her addiction is clear, not only because the show portrays her drug use.

Common misconceptions about addiction include the belief that individuals lack willpower or possess low morals. There is often an assumption that people can quit whenever they choose, which is not the case. Addiction is a complex mental disorder that exerts control over a person, with drugs altering the brain to contribute to this loss of control (NIDA, 2018). Another idea is that addiction is hereditary; while genetics can play a role, it is not always the sole reason for someone becoming addicted.

Meets Criteria for Substance Use Disorder?

According to the DSM-5, substance use disorder is characterized by significant impairments in health, social function, and impaired control over substance use (SAMHSA, 2019). Michelle’s behavior aligns with these criteria, as she is willing to go to extreme lengths for her next fix when her supply runs low. She constantly carries a container with needles and drugs to ensure she can get her fix whenever needed. While Michelle has not yet displayed severe health issues, she may be starting to show signs, particularly with her teeth. Additionally, her relationships are strained; she exhibits anger and aggression towards her family, indicating the impact of her addiction on her social functioning. Michelle appears to be in the addiction stage of substance abuse, heavily dependent on the drug to get through the day.

Current Stage

Miller et al. (2019) outline seven stages of addiction: substance use, problems, physical adaptations, behavioral dependence, cognitive impairment, medical harm, and motivation for change. Michelle seems to be in the behavioral dependence stage, showing signs of impairment, though these may be in the early stages, as significant cognitive damage is not yet evident. Towards the end of the episode, she progresses to the motivation for change stage, where she becomes willing to seek help with the support of her family and friends.

Appropriateness of Treatment?

Michelle enters treatment following an intervention by her family, who are committed to helping her recover. Sending her to a treatment facility was the best option, given the severity of her addiction. The effectiveness of this approach is evident, as Michelle has remained sober since 2005. The episode reveals that she is now married and expecting a child, and her relationship with her mother has improved significantly; they now speak daily, sometimes multiple times a day. Michelle also expresses happiness and freedom from her addiction, which is remarkable considering the length and intensity of her drug use. In my opinion, her age played a significant role in her successful recovery. Despite years of drug use, Michelle was still in a phase of growth and development, which likely contributed to her ability to overcome her addiction and move towards a better future.


In conclusion, Michelle struggled with a severe drug addiction from a young age, which led to a deep dependence that was difficult to overcome without support from her friends and family. This support resulted in her entering a treatment facilit

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