PSYC FPX 4600 Assessment 2 Research Proposal PSYC FPX 4600 Research Methods in Psychology

PSYC FPX 4600 Assessment 2 Research Proposal PSYC FPX 4600 Research Methods in Psychology



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Research Proposal

Redding (2019) emphasized the considerable influence of ethnicity on students’ academic performance. The research suggested that students often achieve better outcomes when instructed by teachers who share a similar racial or ethnic background, as this fosters a sense of comfort and competence (Redding, 2019). Based on this premise, the hypothesis for this study is: “Ethnicity has a significant impact on creating differences in students’ grades and achievements.” In this context, the independent variable is ethnicity, while the dependent variable is grades.


The study will utilize a random sampling method to ensure an unbiased evaluation of the research hypothesis, with participants being recruited from high schools (Xu, 2019).


A mixed research approach will be adopted to evaluate the impact of ethnicity on students’ academic performance (Creamer & Reeping, 2020). Inferential statistics will be employed to test the hypothesis and draw conclusions regarding the relationship between participants’ grades and ethnic differences. The strength of inferential statistics lies in its capacity to generalize findings across datasets, although its limitations may include incomplete measurement, which can affect the reliability and validity of the data (Altoè et al., 2020).


Data will be collected using a mixed research method and survey design, incorporating survey questions to gather participants’ opinions, thoughts, and ideas (Pack, 2023). Participants will be volunteers who will complete a demographic questionnaire that provides information on age, sex, social status, race, and cultural background. All participants will belong to a single group, reporting on the impact of ethnicity, with grades serving as the dependent variable.

Potential Confounding Variables

Other dependent variables, such as academic performance and experiences of racism, along with sociocultural factors like social status and cultural differences, may influence the study. These potential confounding variables will be controlled through adherence to research ethics to ensure that no direct harm comes to the population involved.


Altoè, G., Bertoldo, G., Zandonella Callegher, C., Toffalini, E., Calcagnì, A., Finos, L., & Pastore, M. (2020). Enhancing statistical inference in psychological research via prospective and retrospective design analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.

Creamer, E. G., & Reeping, D. (2020). Advancing mixed methods in psychological research. Methods in Psychology, 3, 100035.

Pack. (2023). Methods in Psychology Author Information Pack Editor-in-Chief. Elsevier.com

Redding, C. (2019). A teacher like me: A review of the effect of student–teacher racial/ethnic matching on teacher perceptions of students and student academic and behavioral outcomes. Review of Educational Research, 89(4), 499–535.

PSYC FPX 4600 Assessment 2 Research Proposal

Xu, A. (2019). Evaluation of sampling methods for the detection of pathogenic bacteria on pre-harvest leafy greens. Food Microbiology, 77, 137–145.




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