PSYC FPX 4700 Assessment 1 Basics of Research and Statistics Frequency Distributions Percentiles and Graphical Representations Student Name

PSYC FPX 4700 Assessment 1 Basics of Research and Statistics Frequency Distributions Percentiles and Graphical Representations Student Name

Problem Set 1.3: Create a Dataset for Use in JASP

Criterion: Enter and display data for use in JASP. Data: Five social media users spent the following number of minutes viewing Twitter: 15.21, 46.18, 12.45, 65.486, 26.852.

Instructions: Use the provided data to complete the steps below.

  1. Open Excel.
  2. In cell A1, type “Minutes.” The variable of Minutes is continuous.
  3. In cells A2-A6, enter the provided data in the column labeled Minutes.
  4. Save your dataset as a .csv file.
  5. Open JASP.
  6. In the sandwich menu, scroll down to OPEN, then select COMPUTER. Locate your .csv file and click it to open it.
  7. Take a screenshot of your data in JASP and paste it below.

Problem Set 1.4.a: Grouped or Ungrouped

Criterion: Explain the identification of types of data.

Instruction: Fill in the table below. For each example, state whether it is grouped or ungrouped and why.

Example Grouped or Ungrouped Why
The time (in seconds) it takes 100 children to complete a cognitive skills game. Grouped data Data is presented in the time it takes to complete a task (frequency)
The number of single mothers with 1, 2, 3, or 4 children. Ungrouped data Data is presented in individual points, not in groups.
The number of teenagers who have experimented with smoking (yes, no). Ungrouped data Data is nominal, only yes/no, not grouped.
The age (in years) of freshman students in a local college. Ungrouped data Data is individual, ages are not grouped.

Problem Set 1.4.b: Understanding Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

Criterion: Explain the identification of types of data.

Instructions: Read the following and answer the question.

Gun ownership in the United States: Data from Gallup polls over a 40-year period show how gun ownership in the United States has changed. The results are described in the table below, with the percentage of Americans who own guns given in each of 5 decades:

Year %
1972 43
1982 42
1992 48
2002 40
2012 43

Source: Reported at

  1. Are the percentages reported here an example of descriptive statistics or inferential statistics?

    • Descriptive statistics, as it describes the main features of the dataset.
  2. Based on the percentages given in the table, how has gun ownership in the United States changed over the past 40 years?

    • The percentage of gun ownership has fluctuated over the past 40 years but has remained within a narrow range of 40%-48%.

Problem Set 1.5: Reading a Chart

Criterion: Locate data on a chart.

Instructions: Read the following and answer the questions.

Participant Characteristics

Profession Type Count Token Count
College Professor 24,541 878,261
Clinical Psychologist 23,617 751,188
Unknown 479 927
Total   1,630,376
  1. Do college professors or clinical psychologists in this sample speak more words overall (Token Count)?

    • College professors speak more (878,261) compared to clinical psychologists (751,188).
  2. Do college professors or clinical psychologists in this sample speak more different words (Type Count)?

    • College professors use more different words (24,541) compared to clinical psychologists (23,617).

Problem Set 1.6: Frequencies and Percentages

Criterion: Identify frequencies and percentages.

Instructions: State whether a cumulati

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